Junior F/A''s say NO...to T/A


Aug 19, 2002
"The flight attendants with class are the senior ones. They are professional polite, and represent AA with class."

The TWA f/a''s would have been all the above if given the chance, but their cute little company owned union did not see it that way....
The Junior flight attendants need to listen to the senior people in the company. Junior people have only been around for the money making years. The rest of us have seen the ups and downs and believe me the downs are horrible and the ups are wonderful. We will be back and we will be stroinger as a result. I hope every employee gets back every peny we are forced to donate to save this airline.
Than why dont you quit. I prefer to stay around and make help make this airline better than it was before. All you have said in here is cry about me me me. Do you want some cheese with that wine. You would have fared much worse in BK just ask some of the old TWA and braniff and eastern folks
Ed you are foolish if you think it cant or wont be worse.
Here is part of a EMAIL from Robert Vallenta

Now, I know you are all in shock, but the following is what the company is seeking if this package is not ratified and the company declares bankrupcy:

no more duty rigs (E time, etc..)
no more average day (minimum 4:45)
1 hour of pay for 4 hours away(F Time)
schedule reserve f/a''s before make-up
cap vacation at 5 weeks
eliminate duty aloft within 13/15 hours on duty and no time restrictions
eliminate availability
sick pay rate would be 4 hours per day missed or 3 on reserve instead of pay for the
trip missed (your 20 hour 3 day would be paid at 12 hours as an example)
expand f/a cabin cleaning (all but over night terminations)
purser and language pay at $1.75
allow non APFA Latin American f/a to fly out of DFW and JFK
retirement of up to 100 a/c resulting in 1000''s more furloughs

As you can see, it is very sad. Many years of progress was just wiped away. But you can also see the alternative that our team was up against and I commend them for preserving what they did. There are a few things we gained that will be outlined later on the website such as unlimited PVDs, modest profit sharing and some stock options, but nothing that makes up for our sacrifice.
We will be back in DC Tuesday night and available to answer you questions in the coming days. Feel free to call us.
In unity,
Robert Valenta DCA chair
On 4/2/2003 11:02:43 AM A77IGW wrote:

I hope we lose the junior flight attendants all together. They for some reason think the company should be honored to have them. The flight attendants with class are the senior ones. They are professional polite, and represent AA with class.

Wow, That kind of attitude just goes to show the support of fellow co-workers. As far as professional and polite go, You are living in a dream world if you think senior flight attendants are going professional and polite working under the conditions of this T/A. Not to mention CLASS, that word no longer exists with this airline. There is no more Class at AA.
With this T/A on the table those of us who may have been getting furloughed are for sure going to the street now. AA and the APFA have let us down with this deal. At least the APA cares about their members when the fought for some benefits for those who are getting furloughed. Instead, the APFA took away any chance of us keeping our jobs by forgoing the benefits associated with overage leaves. I only wish I could get my pink slip sooner than later so I can go on with my life and forget I made such a huge career mistake when I took this job. I think those that remain should consider a leadership change within the APFA as well. I can tell you that the junior people will do everything to turn down this T/A. We will take our chances in BK because it can''t get any worse than it is now.
Flyboy i think you need to sit down and talk it over with famikey. He seems to know what he is talking about. Learn junior boy learn. BK is not where you want to be. BK the creditors only care about getting their money back. They do not give a damn about the employee. If they say take away an entire contract and only work by far than they will and you will have no say at all. And you think BK would be better
I hope we lose the junior flight attendants all together. They for some reason think the company should be honored to have them. The flight attendants with class are the senior ones. They are professional polite, and represent AA with class.
On 4/2/2003 11:11:25 AM FA Mikey wrote:

Ed you are foolish if you think it cant or wont be worse.
Here is part of a EMAIL from Robert Vallenta

Now, I know you are all in shock, but the following is what the company is seeking if this package is not ratified and the company declares bankrupcy:

no more duty rigs (E time, etc..)
no more average day (minimum 4:45)
1 hour of pay for 4 hours away(F Time)
schedule reserve f/a''s before make-up
cap vacation at 5 weeks
eliminate duty aloft within 13/15 hours on duty and no time restrictions
eliminate availability
sick pay rate would be 4 hours per day missed or 3 on reserve instead of pay for the
trip missed (your 20 hour 3 day would be paid at 12 hours as an example)
expand f/a cabin cleaning (all but over night terminations)
purser and language pay at $1.75
allow non APFA Latin American f/a to fly out of DFW and JFK
retirement of up to 100 a/c resulting in 1000''s more furloughs

As you can see, it is very sad. Many years of progress was just wiped away. But you can also see the alternative that our team was up against and I commend them for preserving what they did. There are a few things we gained that will be outlined later on the website such as unlimited PVDs, modest profit sharing and some stock options, but nothing that makes up for our sacrifice.
We will be back in DC Tuesday night and available to answer you questions in the coming days. Feel free to call us.
In unity,
Robert Valenta DCA chair

U and UAL have not had to give up near the amount of stuff that you are quoting now in B/K. Not to mention, those on the streets at UAL still have BENEFITS..ie medical/ pass etc...which is something AA will never do.. I say go to B/K and let the courts see the kind of work conditions we are being forced to endure. Not to mention, we might get lucky and get a new management team that can bring some dignity back to this company.

At UAL all we have given up so far, four months into BK, is a 9% pay cut. To date the rest of our contract and work rules remain intact. Though that is about to change big-time.
Really tell me all about the deal UAL and AFA have right now. There isn''t one so dont try to make quotes about it. What specifically do we have worse than U?
I dont think many AAer''s understand. What will happen in chapter 11? There not even a guarantee you will come out. The judge is not a friend of labor or the employees. The judge cannot be concerned with layoffs and pay cuts. Its about the companies survival and there ability to pay back creditors.
The fact that there is a so called "wedge" between work groups lies entirely with the unions representing those groups. F/As could have crew meals or skd/act flight pay had they so negotiated. Those items were apparantly given up in favor of other making concessions in other areas. APFA gave up furlough pay but the Company never even put that item on its wish list.