LAX-MSP flight 2598 diverts to SLC on 1/22; three cabin crew removed and replaced


Jan 5, 2003
Not your typical diversion. LAX-MSP flight diverted so the captain could throw three FAs off the flight:
A passenger reported that three cabin crew were sent off due to "bad behaviour". The airline subsequently sent a letter of apology stating: "... some of our team members did not display their best behavior. We expect our flight crew to be nothing but courteous and professional at all times and what you experienced was far from that. I am sorry we didnt deliver on our brand promise for you today."

DL found three replacements at SLC and the flight took off to MSP after an 80 minute diversion, landed MSP 75 minutes late.


When disruptive passengers cause a diversion, airline employees frequently post things like "the disruptive passengers should be barred from flying the airline and should have to reimburse the airline and all other passengers for the unplanned landing and delay." Does that same sentiment apply in this case?
No, but most unions, have a Professional Standards Committee to deal with this issue so they wouldnt get fired.
Why should these persons not get fired?
I don't want to get into a union vs management debate, but you're just prooving the stereotype that unions are there to protect troublemakers.
Unions are bound by law to defend their members.
Were you on the flight?
You dont know what happened, you arent DL management, so you shouldnt be the Prosecutor, Judge or the Jury, dont be so rash.
FrugalFlyerv2.0 said:
Why should these persons not get fired?
I don't want to get into a union vs management debate, but you're just prooving the stereotype that unions are there to protect troublemakers.
Actually, that's a myth in itself.

Does one f up make an employee "bad?"

Generally, I would say no.

That's separate from the severity of any given incident. People tend to be really good at conflating both.

We obviously don't have the whole story here, but I would be curious to know what started it. Was this a one-off deal, or a symptom of a larger issue at the carrier?
Don't fire people until all the facts are on the table. We don't have any other than that the flight diverted and the cabin crew were replaced.

It could be anything from a catfight in the galley, an accusation of insubordination due to a refusal to bring fresh coffee to the cockpit, or a joke about needing some Viagra gone bad turning into an irreconcilable ability to work together...
700UW said:
You dont know what happened, you arent DL management, so you shouldnt be the Prosecutor, Judge or the Jury, dont be so rash.
Correct, I do not know what caused the diversion and subsequent removal of the 3 crew members. 
But IMHO this warrents more (i.e. possible termination) than a politically correct union dictated note in their personnel file.
Now THIS is a topic I might pay to hear the convoluted opinion of a former board member pontificate about!
Oh yeah, fire 'em.  That's what would happen to anybody else, right?
Thankfully this should, and will be settled away from an airline forum.

Most likely this will never be fodder for the likes of us to toss around...again thankfully...pardon my grammar...
All I'm going to say on this topic is that At Delta, you lay your hands on another
Employee you will be fired.
I also like to point out that inflight has a peer review
For any "charges".