Leave Your Walker At The Door!


Aug 30, 2002
You Old Timers better get on the ball down there so some of us commuters can get back home. Another line of work just moved to the Pit! Management says its because work not being done in CLT. There is no hesitation here to take what you dont want. (Shifano should be back around soon to give us a bring more work to Pit update.) Remember Tampa really showed them didnt they. Get back to work and bring the jobs South, you cant find good iced tea up here! :angry: You will love the winter sports here though, snow driving ,ice driving, and towing!!! YEA BABY!
usjacket said:
You Old Timers better get on the ball down there so some of us commuters can get back home. Another line of work just moved to the Pit! Management says its because work not being done in CLT. There is no hesitation here to take what you dont want. (Shifano should be back around soon to give us a bring more work to Pit update.) Remember Tampa really showed them didnt they. Get back to work and bring the jobs South, you cant find good iced tea up here! :angry: You will love the winter sports here though, snow driving ,ice driving, and towing!!! YEA BABY!
Your confused buddy. Its not the old timers in clt, its staffing levels. Until you guys up their get with the PROGRAM, we will al continue to get screwed by dave. Don't tell me you still believe what management says?? :shock: The more work that gets done in clt, will just prove to the company we can accomplish it with less people and our laid off coworkers will never come back! :angry: We are way understaffed in clt. Just last week we had 2 airbus lines, 1 c-check and 1 seat mod with no crews assigned to those aircraft on a daily basis. Just a handful of guys farmed over from different bays daily. This has nothing to do with tampa or people not working, its just the companys way to seperate us further and it appears you are falling into their trap. Maybe call some old coworkers in clt and find out the TRUTH before you believe the LIES management tells you. You should no better by now considering you have to have at least 13 years with the company. The bottom line is the company doesn't want to recall anyone. Their our guys laid off with 14.5 years around clt waiting to get recalled, but your method will never work. :down:
usjacket said:
You Old Timers better get on the ball down there so some of us commuters can get back home. Another line of work just moved to the Pit! Management says its because work not being done in CLT. There is no hesitation here to take what you dont want. (Shifano should be back around soon to give us a bring more work to Pit update.) Remember Tampa really showed them didnt they. Get back to work and bring the jobs South, you cant find good iced tea up here! :angry: You will love the winter sports here though, snow driving ,ice driving, and towing!!! YEA BABY!
You come accross as the perfect catalyst for the company's action...setting us up for failure.

Just to expound a little on TMTTQ's remarks.

Let's see: Disband the check crew of 15-16 or so, and cobble together an ad-hoc group of the former...numbering anywhere from 2-4 on a given shift...then we send check airplanes in...with a few deferred items/MELs in for good measure...especially time/manpower consuming ones...Oh, and how 'bout we rob some hard-to-get parts while we're at it?

The closet-space consultants, managers of the dept. of second guessing, kibbitzing analysts et.al. can all read their pie-charts showing late A/C and wag their fingers at the maint crews. It's so easy isn't it? If one doesn't have 1st hand knowledge before opining, then butt out. On the other hand, it's fun luring some into debates they can not possibly win.

It should be noted that there was some pressure to send this check out due to the Airbus/shuttle 1st class mods as well.
usjacket said:
You Old Timers better get on the ball down there so some of us commuters can get back home. Another line of work just moved to the Pit! Management says its because work not being done in CLT. There is no hesitation here to take what you dont want. (Shifano should be back around soon to give us a bring more work to Pit update.) Remember Tampa really showed them didnt they. Get back to work and bring the jobs South, you cant find good iced tea up here! :angry: You will love the winter sports here though, snow driving ,ice driving, and towing!!! YEA BABY!
Get your facts straight, the reason the C-11 check is being moved to PIT is because CLT lacks the manpower to accomplish a c-11 check with three other checks going on at the same time either a 757, 767 or A330.

When CLT got the C-11 check from TPA there was not an increase of manpower. The hangar is only staffed for three checks, so when the bus came in for its c-11 they had to rob bodies from the other checks which delayed them from making its ETR. It is not a work slow problem it is a manpower problem and we all know the company sets the staffing levels.
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Believe me I dont believe anything this management tells me. Im sure what you all say is true. Just seeing if you were still awake down there. ;)
usjacket said:
Believe me I dont believe anything this management tells me. Im sure what you all say is true. Just seeing if you were still awake down there. ;)
down there?mason-dixon line baby...i'm north !
High Iron said:
You come accross as the perfect catalyst for the company's action...setting us up for failure.

Just to expound a little on TMTTQ's remarks.

Let's see: Disband the check crew of 15-16 or so, and cobble together an ad-hoc group of the former...numbering anywhere from 2-4 on a given shift...then we send check airplanes in...with a few deferred items/MELs in for good measure...especially time/manpower consuming ones...Oh, and how 'bout we rob some hard-to-get parts while we're at it?

The closet-space consultants, managers of the dept. of second guessing, kibbitzing analysts et.al. can all read their pie-charts showing late A/C and wag their fingers at the maint crews. It's so easy isn't it? If one doesn't have 1st hand knowledge before opining, then butt out. On the other hand, it's fun luring some into debates they can not possibly win.

It should be noted that there was some pressure to send this check out due to the Airbus/shuttle 1st class mods as well.
hey guy....union showed the company they need to jockey some tracks around to achieve the inhouse bus checks...funny if this is the tip of the iceberg wouldn't it???
When I read this Title I thought you were talking about the Flight Attendants from CLT...... ;)