Lets move on with this thing and make it work!


Oct 29, 2002
[FONT face="Arial Black"]exactly....focus on emerging and growing![/FONT]
The vote has been cast. The majority of the US Airways employees have agreed to the concessions. Lets all try and be as positive as we can be and make this thing we call US Airways work!!!!!I myself am glad I''ll continue to receive a paycheck
The majority of employees did not agree to concessions. The majority either were disenchanted or disinterested enough not to vote, or voted no. I'd say most who voted yes felt they did so with a gun to their heads. Not exactly a mandate for Dave & Dave's plan, whatever it is. And they'll be back for more, oh yes they will.
On 1/11/2003 9:32:02 AM DELLDUDE wrote:

[FONT face="Arial Black"]exactly....focus on emerging and growing![/FONT]
I agree, unfortunately we have no choice. We must make the best of a bad situation and hope that we can pull out of this spiral. Time to play the cards which have been dealt to us!
Yea, but your hand was dealt off the bottom of the deck. Lies and misrepresentations at every turn...Double-bagger means the wool has been pulled over your eyes twice now...get ready for round three!
On 1/11/2003 12:38:22 PM Formatman wrote:

Yea, but your hand was dealt off the bottom of the deck. Lies and misrepresentations at every turn...Double-bagger means the wool has been pulled over your eyes twice now...get ready for round three!
Its the entire new corporate culture here at U. I have just gotten used to it, used to be a proud employee of U and now I consider myself just an employee # collecting a paycheck.
The ATSB, RSA, and GECAS required the cuts to provide a POR and Disclosure Statement to emerge from bankruptcy. Nobody likes the cuts, but now that the process is done I believe we have two options: Work hard to rebuild this airline to provide greater profit sharing checks, higher stock appreciation, and growth or seek other employment at another company.

We all have choices.

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[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/11/2003 11:27:18 AM Pacemaker wrote:
[P]The majority of employees did not agree to concessions. The majority either were disenchanted or disinterested enough not to vote, or voted no. I'd say most who voted yes felt they did so with a gun to their heads. Not exactly a mandate for Dave & Dave's plan, whatever it is. And they'll be back for more, oh yes they will. [/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P][STRONG][FONT face="Comic Sans MS"]i feel that the 'majority ' who didn't vote did so because they were going to vote the package down.also i think they were afraid that if they did vote their conviction and the result was closing down of the company,they wouldn't or couldn't personally accept the consequences of their actions.[/FONT][/STRONG]