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Load Factor For Christmas Week ?

I don't have the complete numbers that you are looking for, however, I do have a couple that were listed on the The Hub: [BR][BR]Thursday 12/19 81.1%[BR]Monday 12/23 82.8%[BR]Month to date loads as of 12/23 = 69.5%[BR][BR]As a comparison, Continental's loads month to date as of 12/24 were 73%.
Maybe the company should seek damages from Bronner for lost revenue.
Seigel said the CO-NW codeshare bumped the CO load factor abotu 4 points, and we would expect a similar gain with United. That means if the codeshare had been going, we would be right there with CO at 73%. I don't think Bronner's comments had as much of a public impact as we are making it out to be here.
What do you think it would have been if David Bronner had not opened his mouth about Chap 7 a week before Christmas?
Do you think your average passenger even knows who the hell Bronner is, let alone his Chapter 7 comments?
On 12/26/2002 11:22:30 AM Bluestreaking wrote:

Do you think your average passenger even knows who the hell Bronner is, let alone his Chapter 7 comments?
Bronners comments were released to every wire service in the country. A Google search would show numbers of papers that picked up and printed the story.

Only potential passengers that don't read the paper..or watch TV news, would be un-aware of the comments made.

This blunder was only slightly less damaging than the Chapter 11 filing....or the Wolf failure in not having a "Plan B".

Just wait!! We will next be hearing about how "We" have failed to meet projected revenue for the given period. This time Bronner should remove his foot..and pay the difference.

I don't recall any employee's or labor groups making public statements that would purposefully scare away "Our Passengers".

This time around...Blame needs to be assumed by those directly at fault!! Obviously Dr. Bronner doesn't know when to keep his trap shut!! This shows the makings of either a very short ..or very long winter , If you catch my meaning?
His comments were quoted in the New York Times and picked up by the media throughout the country.
I saw a "crawl" on CNN last night stating UAL pax loads for the holidays had been the best in its 77 year history. There was no reason for this given.

Maybe they had some good fares, might be folks burning miles concerned they'll lose them should a Chapter 7 become a reality. Maybe people just really wanted to see their families should war with Iraq or North Korea kick in soon.

I hope it's a good sign for UAL and hope they got some much needed revenue from it.

I was suprised to see our loads weren't as good as I'd hoped. Did we cancel many flights due to the nasty weather?
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/26/2002 2:51:09 PM Dea Certe wrote:
[P]I saw a "crawl" on CNN last night stating UAL pax loads for the holidays had been the best in its 77 year history. There was no reason for this given.[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]The primary reason Christmas loads were at record highs is that UAL has cut so much capacity. It's not hard to hit record high's around Christmas time when you've cut 20% of your capacity in the past two years. [/P]
I bought tickets the week before X-mas, but not until all union groups reached tentative agreements. My concern was largely based on Bronner's comments and what had been posted on the IAM and CWA websites....
On 12/26/2002 10:22:36 AM A&P Tech wrote:

What do you think it would have been if David Bronner had not opened his mouth about Chap 7 a week before Christmas?

I am sure it had no effect on the holiday bookings. The vast majority of those tickets were sold way in advnace. Most people do not wait until the week before Christmas to buy their tickets. It remains to be seen if his statement will have an effect on bookings for Jan or Feb.

Hopefully, when all the contract changes are ratified, our ATSB financing is in place, and we solidify our plan to emerge from bankruptcy, we will have a huge press hurray to tout the fact that we are a lean, mean, flying machine - ready to take on the big boys while generating a profit.