On 12/26/2002 11:22:30 AM Bluestreaking wrote:
Do you think your average passenger even knows who the hell Bronner is, let alone his Chapter 7 comments?
Bronners comments were released to every wire service in the country. A Google search would show numbers of papers that picked up and printed the story.
Only potential passengers that don't read the paper..or watch TV news, would be un-aware of the comments made.
This blunder was only slightly less damaging than the Chapter 11 filing....or the Wolf failure in not having a "Plan B".
Just wait!! We will next be hearing about how "We" have failed to meet projected revenue for the given period. This time Bronner should remove his foot..and pay the difference.
I don't recall any employee's or labor groups making public statements that would purposefully scare away "Our Passengers".
This time around...Blame needs to be assumed by those directly at fault!! Obviously Dr. Bronner doesn't know when to keep his trap shut!! This shows the makings of either a very short ..or very long winter , If you catch my meaning?