Martin Shkreli Lowers Drug Price


Dec 28, 2009
SanFranFreako, KommieFornia
Martin Shkreli Lowers Drug Price
After raising the price of a life-saving drug by 5000 percent and becoming the most hated man on the Internet, Martin Shkreli says he’ll lower the cost. But we’re not fooled.
Daraprim might go back down in price but Shkreli is still, as The Daily Beast decorously put it yesterday, an ####. And because Shkreli is not the first and won’t be the last to try to pull this same pharmaceutical stunt, it’s important not to forget his particular brand of bullshit.
In fact, Shkreli barely left us with time to fully deconstruct just how shoddy his case for the price hike actually was. Let’s not forget that a couple of days ago, the young CEO was still minimizing the effectiveness of Daraprim and attempting to portray himself as a savior for toxoplasmosis sufferers.
Free Market?
Jonas Salk comes to mind when reading about this. He could have made himself incredibly wealthy if he had put a patent on the polio vaccine. But he didn't.