MDA Representation??

Jet Mechanic

Sep 13, 2002
There are many items in the USAirways proposal on the table that are unpalatable to me, but what is particularly egregious is the arrangement for the future representation of employees for MidAtlantic Airways. WHY should I be voting on another person''s right to who should represent them at a new company? Shouldn''t that prospective employee be voting on that since it directly affects their future?
This is yet another example as to why this Proposal should be voted down. So much of what is in there does not benefit the present employees or the company at this juncture.
I voted NO the first time and I''m confirming my vote a second time on Tuesday.
Jet Mechanic
There are many items in the USAirways proposal on the table that are unpalatable to me, but what is particularly egregious is the arrangement for the future representation of employees for MidAtlantic Airways. WHY should I be voting on another person's right to who should represent them at a new company? Shouldn't that prospective employee be voting on that since it directly affects their future?

This is yet another example as to why this Proposal should be voted down. So much of what is in there does not benefit the present employees or the company at this juncture.

I voted NO the first time and I'm confirming my vote a second time on Tuesday.

Jet Mechanic

Well, you can look at it this way too. It will NOT directly affects their future, because there will be NO future given that reasoning.
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Thanks for the feedback and now, where to begin?

I merely prefer to take my chances with a NO vote and see what happens between Tuesday and Sept. 23.

Again, why should this provision EVEN be included for us to decide. This was a blatant opportunity for the Company and the Union to bloat this proposal with items not germane to the issues at hand.

Tug Slug,
I never expressed hatred against the Company or the Union (but, yes, there is a dire need for a change in representation). I'm a dues paying member who intends to vote NO, as is each member's right, on Tuesday.

Jet Mechanic
To help shed light on the bennefits of a no vote.. can you give 10 examples of how voting no will indvidualy help you and your co-workers your trying to protect...This does not include just bashing other people but 10 reasons that you and your co-workers will get a better deal than Dave and the Judge will give you...(Or is voting no just a letter of resignation and you dont care)
On 9/14/2002 12:46:13 PM Jet Mechanic wrote:

I voted "NO" the first time and I'm confirming my vote a second time on Tuesday.

Jet Mechanic


Jet this isn't a slam against you merely a suggestion.

If you have so much hatred toward the union and company and despise the T/A as much as you say you do maybe you should think about resigning and becoming that elevator repairman that was posted in one of the other post's.

By resigning you will no longer have to deal with U or the IAM, by resigning you wont be casting a no vote and possibly putting someone else out of a job
that may not like the changes but is willing to sacrifice now so they can live to fight another day.

If unemployment is what your looking for why prolong a slow certain death with a no vote? Show not only the company but the union as well that your mad as hell and your not going to take it anymore and resign.

By voting yes you can look for a job while you still have a job. Doesnt that make more sense?
On 9/14/2002 2:09:08 PM Jet Mechanic wrote:

Thanks for the feedback and now, where to begin?

Tug Slug,
I never expressed hatred against the Company or the Union (but, yes, there is a dire need for a change in representation). I'm a dues paying member who intends to vote "NO", as is each member's right, on Tuesday.

Jet Mechanic

Jet I respect your right as a dues paying member to cast your ballet as you see fit I also respect your opinion concerning a change in representation. But by voting no you will have given away your right to vote in the future.

By voting no you will have given away your strongest weapon we as union members have against a company like US Airways. You will have given away your right to strike.

Can AMFA (or any other union) can step in and represent the mechanics after this T/A has been rejected? Not likely your no vote took away any leverage any union may have had to get the membership something better than what the company is already giving them, which as we both know is next to nothing.
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On 9/14/2002 3:05:13 PM tug_slug wrote:

Jet I respect your right as a dues paying member to cast your ballet as you see fit I also respect your opinion concerning a change in representation. But by voting no you will have given away your right to vote in the future.

By voting no you will have given away your strongest weapon we as union members have against a company like US Airways. You will have given away your right to strike.

Can AMFA (or any other union) can step in and represent the mechanics after this T/A has been rejected? Not likely your no vote took away any leverage any union may have had to get the membership something better than what the company is already giving them, which as we both know is next to nothing.

Tug Slug,

My vote NO gives the company and the union a push in the direction of sitting down and trying to hammer something out before September 23. Heck, I can even see us continuing this discussion in preparation for a third vote.

Mr. Siegel could have gone to Judge Mitchell four days ago and we wouldn't be having this forum banter. Mr. Siegel doesn't want to take his chances either. This is a huge game of Chicken.

Jet Mechanic

P.S. Tug-Slug, have you signed your AMFA card?
There are many items in the USAirways proposal on the table that are unpalatable to me, but what is particularly egregious is the arrangement for the future representation of employees for MidAtlantic Airways. WHY should I be voting on another person's right to who should represent them at a new company? Shouldn't that prospective employee be voting on that since it directly affects their future?

++++++++++++ So that the IAM can still collect dues from you.....they can't lose anything on this deal..don't forget the company paid them back for their time...I don't know what they use our dues for...I hope they cut our dues when we make zilch at MDA..
Jet Mechanic:

If you do not like the IAM, the only way to get them off of the property is to vote yes. How will having your contract torn up by the judge help?

How will deeper cuts and more furloughs help?

The only way to get rid of the IAM is for the company to survive and for the AMT's to petition the NMB for a representational election. However, an election will never occur if the company liquidates.

If you want to dump the IAM vote yes and hold an election, otherwise you may never have the chance to vote on who will represent the US AMT's.

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On 9/14/2002 9:59:18 PM wings396 wrote:

++++++++++++ So that the IAM can still collect dues from you.....they can't lose anything on this deal..don't forget the company paid them back for their time...I don't know what they use our dues for...I hope they cut our dues when we make zilch at MDA..


You are, of course, right on the money. The IAM will continue to have their steady cash stream. Still, including the right of representation at MDA in this proposal does not help the present employees or the company at the crucial time.

Voting NO all the way!!

Jet Mechanic
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On 9/14/2002 11:45:01 PM chipmunn wrote:

Jet Mechanic:

If you do not like the IAM, the only way to get them off of the property is to vote yes. How will having your contract "torn up" by the judge help?

How will deeper cuts and more furloughs help?

The only way to get rid of the IAM is for the company to survive and for the AMT's to petition the NMB for a representational election. However, an election will never occur if the company liquidates.

If you want to dump the IAM vote yes and hold an election, otherwise you may never have the chance to vote on who will represent the US AMT's.


Sorry, Chip... The vote is still NO. There's been enough brow-beating to get even the guys on the fence to swing over to the NO side.

I don't buy the intimidation that a NO vote is going to bring down the company. It is exactly what is needed to wake up the management to do further negotiations. The last several weeks have been a textbook example in how not to treat employees.

Jet Mechanic