Bon Voyage
With mixed emotions I would like to inform you that MEC/LEC Vice President Bill McGlashen has been offered and has accepted the position of Assistant to the International President of AFA-CWA. Bill will be leaving for Washington, DC in early February to assume this four-year position.
Words alone cannot describe the admiration and respect that I have for Bill, nor can one email contain enough space to list the accomplishments that he has made on behalf of Council 66 and its members.
Bill has been an integral part of this council and union at America West since it formation, and has led us through some of our darkest hours and happiest moments with skill and professionalism.
With Bill's upcoming departure, your MEC's first priority will be to appoint his replacement to the Joint Negotiations Committee. We have spoken to several worthy candidates to fill this role and will make a decision on this appointment within the next few weeks. Additionally, we have had preliminary internal discussions on the possibility of filling the vacated position of LEC Vice President. In accordance with the AFA Constitution and Bylaws when there is a vacancy in the office of Vice President the LEC Secretary will act as Vice President and Secretary. Our MEC/LEC Secretary Treasurer Mary Cost will assume this duel role for the time being.
Please join me in congratulating Bill McGlashen on his appointment and wishing him the very best in all his future endeavors. We will miss you Bill. Bon Voyage!
Gary Richardson
MEC President
With mixed emotions I would like to inform you that MEC/LEC Vice President Bill McGlashen has been offered and has accepted the position of Assistant to the International President of AFA-CWA. Bill will be leaving for Washington, DC in early February to assume this four-year position.
Words alone cannot describe the admiration and respect that I have for Bill, nor can one email contain enough space to list the accomplishments that he has made on behalf of Council 66 and its members.
Bill has been an integral part of this council and union at America West since it formation, and has led us through some of our darkest hours and happiest moments with skill and professionalism.
With Bill's upcoming departure, your MEC's first priority will be to appoint his replacement to the Joint Negotiations Committee. We have spoken to several worthy candidates to fill this role and will make a decision on this appointment within the next few weeks. Additionally, we have had preliminary internal discussions on the possibility of filling the vacated position of LEC Vice President. In accordance with the AFA Constitution and Bylaws when there is a vacancy in the office of Vice President the LEC Secretary will act as Vice President and Secretary. Our MEC/LEC Secretary Treasurer Mary Cost will assume this duel role for the time being.
Please join me in congratulating Bill McGlashen on his appointment and wishing him the very best in all his future endeavors. We will miss you Bill. Bon Voyage!
Gary Richardson
MEC President