Mesa to begin J4J pilot training February 17



Reports within the US Airways pilot group indicate the company has beugan offering Mesa J4J pilot opportunities. Candidates must accept employment for the Feburary 17 RJ pilot training class by tomorrow, February 12. In addition, it appears the initial Mesa J4J domiciles will be CLT and PHL.
Reports within the US Airways pilot group indicate the company has beugan offering Mesa J4J pilot opportunities. Candidates must accept employment for the Feburary 17 RJ pilot training class by tomorrow, February 12. In addition, it appears the initial Mesa J4J domiciles will be CLT and PHL.



Mesa hasn't even voted on their piece of garbage TA yet. Without that vote jets4jobs does not exist at Mesa. So how can they be offering J4J positions. Please be specific on where you get your information.

And second, I just wanted to let you know that as I've read your posts here in the past year, it makes me sick to my stomach to hear your, seemingly, overwhelming support of the "sub-service" contract carriers. You need to support your WO brothers and sisters or you will continue to watch Group flying march out the door.
Pilots are being called for a class date on Monday. Say they need 30.

According to the boards, the guys are not being told much, only that they need an answer immediatly.

Typical style, give no info but must have answer yesterday!!

They were told they were being hired for C/O positions on the CRJ, but with the caviet of "Could change to F/O depending on the T/A senority issues."

Do not know if it is for Freedom, AirMidwest, or MESA.

What a giant screwed up mess. For once I am glad I am way down the list. At least i can avoid this train wreck until all the MEC's figure out what is happening.
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Karen Adams, Employee Relations, has begun calling US Airways furloughed pilots to attend the new Mesa classes.

On 2/12/2003 9:26:46 AM TurboGnat wrote:


Just wondering if you know the final details of J4J. Am I mistaken that it is to include a 50/50 split of Usair pilots along with the associated airline's? For everyone's information CCair still has 100+ pilots on furlough and merged onto the Mesa Air Group seniority list. Now would someone explain to me why the Usair guys/gals automatically get hired prior to all of Mesa Air Group pilots being on the payroll.

Yes. It is due to the ALPA policy of eating it's young.

If Woerth and the ALPA cronies had signed the contract that the CCair guys had negotiated originally, this would not be a problem.

It looks as if the MESA MEC has jumped over the head (and presumably the will) of it's pilot base and passed a temporary resolution to allow for J4J until their T/A can be ratified.

Or, "bend over, the Airways MEC is a callin'!"

Just wondering if you know the final details of J4J. Am I mistaken that it is to include a 50/50 split of Usair pilots along with the associated airline's? For everyone's information CCair still has 100+ pilots on furlough and merged onto the Mesa Air Group seniority list. Now would someone explain to me why the Usair guys/gals automatically get hired prior to all of Mesa Air Group pilots being on the payroll.
Well, this will be a perfect example of a cautionary tale in the making. How does the old line go... "careful what you wish for, you might get it".

I am curious. If you commit to going to Mesa or one of the other less desirable choices, are you stuck there until recall into Midatlantic/Mainline...?

What a mess, feel bad that it has to have turned out this way instead of what could have been, oh well.
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Mesa J4J Pilot Training Class Information:

February 17 - 30 positions, 17 Captains, 13 First Officers

March 17 - 20 positions, 10 Captains, 10 First Officers

April 14: 10 positions, no break down

No Mesa J4J Flight Attendant positions announced.
You still have yet to answer my question. How are these positions and class dates able to be offered and started without a contract being signed?

Why are there no class dates sched. at the WO? We had to give into this cr@p deal months ago. Why have no positions been offered to furloughees at our companies? Not that I'm looking forward to being furloughed so a mainline pilot can take my job, but seems kind of odd that Mesa's pilots did'nt even agree to this yet and they have class dates. Ummm Whats really goin on chip?
Bored, It is my understanding that the Mesa MEC has signed a temporary J4J agreement so that U can immediately add additional RJ's, that U needs on line, to help it meet the requirements to emerge from BK. If the TA does not pass these pilots will either go home or maybe to Freedumb depending on what JO does. Thats my understanding anyway. -Cape
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Bored asks: How are these positions and class dates able to be offered and started without a contract being signed?

Chip answers: Apparently Mesa and US Airways believe the TA will be raitifed. In addition, the positions could be converted to Freedom Air.

Bored askedWhy are there no class dates sched. at the WO?

Chip answers: US Airways cannot obtain RJ aircraft, announce delivery positions, or obtain RJ financing unitl after emerging from bankruptcy, now scheduled for March 31. Therefore, the only current RJ option is affiliate carrier flying.

Bored asked: Why have no positions been offered to furloughees at our companies?

Chip answers: I cannot answer this question until you identify a specific company.

Bored asks: Ummm Whats really goin on chip?

Chip answers: What has been agreed upon in the labor agreements.
