Moderator? Is this site for kids or adults ?

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Aug 20, 2002
Wheres the moderator lately? Im so tired of the child like insults and words like ignorance, stupid, etc and even curse words.. Were supposed to be adults with the ablity to discuss topics adult like. Someone please either cancel memberships for these people or edit their subject matter.. Thanks!
So what are you the speech and thought police?!
I don't really see any blatant nastiness or incivility here, even in the most heated and protracted debates. Profanity? Never seen anything more than doctored euphemisms for four-letter words. -- Now if we can only get people to stop typing words such as: hangEr when they really mean hangAr, loose- when they really mean lose, and moral when they really mean morale. :)
usfliboi -[BR]It's called freedom of speech. If you don't like what someone is writing, ignore it! I get the impression most of the people on here are adults and have acted appropriately. As with anything, there are wankers; therefore, we must learn to live with them.
On 11/22/2002 5:45:38 AM usfliboi wrote:

Wheres the moderator lately? Im so tired of the child like insults and words like ignorance, stupid, etc and even curse words....

You mean instead of displaying intolerance?!
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Just read the rules for being a member jet gurl!
Stewart -[BR]Don't get your panties in a wad. I am amazed that adults, who freely choose to take the time to post on an Internet bulletin board, would want censorship and or babysitting. It's a free country; don't like, don't read. Kind of like don't ask, don't tell.
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