More Than Just Free Dual!


Jul 17, 2005
The reason for this post is that I was trying to come up with a creative way to build some multi-engine time. Most people will rent an airplane and split the time with a buddy. I have a different idea.

I WILL PAY my pro-rata share of the operating expenses if you let me give you FREE dual in your multi-engine airplane. As the poor student that I am, there is no way that I can afford to rent a multi-engine airplane. Instead, this 1) reduces your operating expenses, 2) gives you free recurrent training, and 3) helps me build experience giving quality flight instruction in a multi-engine airplane. Whether your are interested in some recurrent training, would like to become more proficient flying instruments, or just want someone to fly with, please send me an email.

More information is available on my website at:


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