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News and Views, from the CORNFIELD.

Aug 20, 2002
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Well, first off It's the correct thing to do, to state the obvious.  There is a  S - LOAD of corn in the Cornfield,  AND you'd be surprised to know, who's been re-located out there   !!!!  Kind of like a  U S Aviation  'Witness protection program"   To be completely fair, the moderators were fair, and just doing there job  !!  (Albeit, loaded with welts on their butts from certain (same old ) cry babies  constantly smooching their RUMPS !
(How certain board members like what they see in the mirror will always be beyond me)
NOW, time for the top three observations observed while running a 'combine machine' out in the (very ) VAST cornfield.
# 3.       The KOCH-ies and 'Sheldon' wouldn't cough-up SQUAT ($$$$$) for T-Rump  !
(Coming in at)  # 2.        T-Rump changes campaign managers more often than i change my skivvies.  (something about some dude in bed with the Ruskies/Fraud.
But the BEST,
# 1.  They cut off the head of the SNAKE @ FAUX news. Dirty Roger Ailes. Leaving the final three hold-outs, Bum Kissers, Bill O' Reilly, Sean Hannity, and the biggest foolish looking Buffoon   RUDY  GIULIANI  to carry the water..  DEAR GOD, is Giuliani really that stupid  ?  Does he have a cintella  of a clue of how OLD and Stupid he looks/sounds ??
Oh, come on Bears.  Tell us how you really feel.  :lol:  I agree with all 3 points.  However, the polls are getting closer.  Don't forget that the capacity for self-delusion is boundless in the American public.  There are many of them out there that think that Trump will somehow wake up on November 9th and act like a President of the United States and not a megalomaniac awash in self-admiration.
Old man Bear needs a kiddie song to warm up the corny cockles. Still can't let go of the CAPS LOCK.
Bears, the basket of discombobulated, dissatisfied, and disgusted said you weren't politically incorrect while you were gone.
delldude said:
dell,  God Bless You, Where in HEL*  do you find these cartoons  ?   'You  DE Bes' !
Go STEELERS.  I'm counting on Big Things from the 'Curtain' boys this year in the AFC.  SCREW NE !!
Dog Wonder said:
Bears, the basket of discombobulated, dissatisfied, and disgusted said you weren't politically incorrect while you were gone.
Many THANX..........'Dog, KCF, Jim,  x UT,  Kev'  You guys ROCK.   x UT, methinks there WERE a pole smoker or two out in the 'field.      ' HACK(job).  Stick the Caps where the sun don't shine !
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Many THANX..........'Dog, KCF, Jim,  x UT,  Kev'  You guys ROCK.   x UT, methinks there WERE a pole smoker or two out in the 'field.      ' HACK(job).  Stick the Caps where the sun don't shine !
Good to see you back.
Just in time to help Trump in a landslide.
This one's just for you Bears! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FtmyKKYXNI
Was that a new dance move Hitlery was tryin' out on the street curb, at the 9/11 ceremony she ditched early?