' O M A R O S A ' !

Aug 20, 2002
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha !!

Can you REPLUG / TRUMPETTE'S comprehend the word ' TREASURE TROVE ' ???

('southwind. Go to the library and the nice lady at the desk will show you a BIG BOOK, about 1 foot thick. Then she'll show you the word TREASURE TROVE. Then the nice lady will define (that means to Explain, 'southwind), what TREASURE TROVE(of information), means. )
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Hahahahahahahahahahaha......you clowns were all over her for going Uncle Tom when she went with Trump now she's your little girl......LOL

Pretzel logic anyone?

Must have missed the outrage about a reality TV contestant working with a reality TV president. She is just another sideshow in the Trump circus.
His hiring of Omarosa only goes to prove that he views his job as a reality show and not the leader of the most powerful nation on earth.
His hiring of Omarosa only goes to prove that he views his job as a reality show and not the leader of the most powerful nation on earth.

Don't you mean "most fu**ed up powerful nation on earth?"

Look what the left has done to it....
Don't you mean "most fu**ed up powerful nation on earth?"

Look what the left has done to it....
I think if you look back, you'll see that the decline started with Republicans. Wage disparity started under Reagan. So was the focus on "shareholder value", where the first step to address sagging profits is to lay off employees. They gave us tax cuts and encouraged us to spend, spend spend....in the early 2000's, Americans didn't really see any rise in income, but there HOUSES were appreciating...and republicans urged us to "put your biggest asset to work for you" and borrow against he equity. They blessed debt. After all..."Reagan proved that deficits don't matter".

Sure...the democrats are flawed, tax and spend, feel good liberal social policies. But there's a BUNCH of people whining about "entitlements" while collecting their Social Security checks and using Medicare - programs put in place by democrats to HELP people. Name one program Republicans have implemented that helped you. And before we get started on tax cuts...how much better of are you because of them? Most American's are in debt and have zero savings for retirement. Despite the tax cuts we got. So besides some "feel good" tax cut (that amounted to a pittance when you look at it) - what have Republicans done for you lately?
I think if you look back, you'll see that the decline started with Republicans. Wage disparity started under Reagan. So was the focus on "shareholder value", where the first step to address sagging profits is to lay off employees. They gave us tax cuts and encouraged us to spend, spend spend....in the early 2000's, Americans didn't really see any rise in income, but there HOUSES were appreciating...and republicans urged us to "put your biggest asset to work for you" and borrow against he equity. They blessed debt. After all..."Reagan proved that deficits don't matter".

Sure...the democrats are flawed, tax and spend, feel good liberal social policies. But there's a BUNCH of people whining about "entitlements" while collecting their Social Security checks and using Medicare - programs put in place by democrats to HELP people. Name one program Republicans have implemented that helped you. And before we get started on tax cuts...how much better of are you because of them? Most American's are in debt and have zero savings for retirement. Despite the tax cuts we got. So besides some "feel good" tax cut (that amounted to a pittance when you look at it) - what have Republicans done for you lately?

Mr Peabody, set the wayback machine to the forties......
Mr Peabody, set the wayback machine to the forties......

I have to. Republicans want to change (eliminate) Social Security, they want to change (Eliminate) Medicare, and they just want to eliminate Obamacare, since they personalized it and can't afford to damage their reputations by changing it. the intent of all 3 of those is to help people. But even if I set the way back machine to the 40's, name one program the republicans created that helped you.
I have to. Republicans want to change (eliminate) Social Security, they want to change (Eliminate) Medicare, and they just want to eliminate Obamacare, since they personalized it and can't afford to damage their reputations by changing it. the intent of all 3 of those is to help people. But even if I set the way back machine to the 40's, name one program the republicans created that helped you.

Obamascare wasn't meant to help anybody, it was designed to institute crippling premium increases so the masses would beg for single payer pubic option.....case in point, it was supposed to help the poor, down trodden masses, yet it left some 30 million w/o coverage.....

SSI they want to eliminate fraud and channel it back to what it was intended for.

Medicare was going to be pushed back on the states and grant funded from Uncle Sam.