Obama Reportedly His Aides He's 'Really Good At Killing People'


Aug 30, 2002
"According to the new book “Double Down,” in which journalists Mark Halperin and John Heilemann chronicle the 2012 presidential election, President Barack Obama told his aides that he’s “really good at killing people” while discussing drone strikes.
Peter Hamby of The Washington Post reported the nugget in his review of the book."
"Scahill, who also made a “Dirty Wars” documentary, told NBC News that Obama will “go down in history as the president who legitimized and systematized a process by which the United States asserts the right to conduct assassination operations around the world.”
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Dog Wonder said:
The Rich make the middle class poor. The poor don't have enough money to make it worth taking.
How you figure that?
The middle class is who makes the 'rich' guy enough money to pay all kinds of union and non union employee benefits.
Duh...nobody ever figure that out?
Oh, Shiit..forgot, you're a socialist.
traderjake said:
President Barack Obama told his aides that he’s “really good at killing people” while discussing drone strikes.
“really good at killing people”...? What a "nobel" thing to brag about...words just fail me there.  No matter.  It's my entirely honest estimation that the now-demonstrably-psychotic little pimp-in-chief would pizz his pants at even the sound of a firecracker going off in anything even approaching a war zone. Perhaps my observations result from a sheltered life. I've just never known anyone who's actually and personally killed people to laughingly talk that way...Ever....Period. That pathetic little freak's a nut-case.

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