Oberstar warn DOJ on SWA-AirTran Merger


Jan 8, 2003

OK Southwest, what conditions (demands) are you willing to accept (surrender) in your merger with AirTran to satisfy and receive approval from Mr. Oberstar?

As a congressman, Oberstar has no authority to approve or reject airline mergers. The regulatory powers are vested with the Department of Transportation and the Justice Department.

At best, Oberstar can offer legislation that may affect this particular merger, but the chances that it will pass the House of Representatives and the Senate and be signed into law by the president are virtually nil.
It is about time some of these older folks in the US Congress get voted out. Seems he was a THORN in the side of the Airline Industry. I am sure he will not be missed, by NO ONE>.
Oberstar Lost! Maybe WN will offer him a job on the ramp as that's about all he's qualified to do!

One less Dumbocrat meddling in an industry of which they know nothing about.

Oberstar didn't like corporations and had a fondness for unions. He was viewed by many as somewhat of a Northwest Airlines Union congressman since he was from Minnesota. What is ironic though is the fact that he was defeated by a retired Northwest Pilot. I've been trying to read up as to why he lost and his opponent. Something, somewhere went wrong for the soon to be former Congressman. It could be viewed as good news for the airline industry in a whole, since Mr. Oberstar stated that he doesn't believe that De-regulation is working and doesn't like the consolidation that is occurring. He is soon to be a toothless voice, unless he finds a lucrative contract as a lobbyist.
Oberstar has stood against every bit of forward momentum since deregulation regardless of whether it turned out to have validity or not.

The reality is that the airline industry was PREDICTED 30 years to consolidate into a handful of large carriers and that is FINALLY happening.

What can be said about consolidation that IS successful is that the industry has consolidated in about the best way possible - 2 megacarriers with service to every continent and global region and strong presences in just about all of the major domestic regions, 1 megacarrier that is less widespread internationally but is still very powerful in the US, and then now a nationwide low cost carrier with access of all of the key markets - along with other niche airlines in the various categories.

The US has nothing to be ashamed about w/ the airline industry - and the problems the airline industry does have revolve largely around the government's lack of addition of capacity despite economicallly deregulating the industry, alowing millions of new passengers to fly. Hopefully, consolidation will force fares up to the point where some sensibility will return to pricing and expectations about who can travel by air.

Deregulation has been successful and part of the reason why Oberstar's continual "stick in the mud" mindset has not worked is because other people can see that he isn't in touch w/ reality. Whether that applies to other aspects of Oberstar's congressional agenda is up to others to decide but from a transportation standpoint, the world moved on and left him behind.