Our F/A ask for mediation


Apr 26, 2005
I sure hope this is not a sign of how the co is going to approach nego's.
You know, some of our top leaders within maint have stated numerous times that they want to "repair" the relationship between the co and union after that ridiculous long 6 plus years of nego our contract. I know this is a different work group, and quite possibly different reasons. but actions speak volumes, and these co actions are leading to the exact same way they were nego in our contract where at approx 3 years in they have to ask for mediation. C'mon Man, not this same ole crap again SWA, get to the table and get the deal done with our F/A's and show the other groups (who are watching closely) that you mean what you say about getting back to the way it USE TO BE. You know, the good ole days...

I sure hope this is not a sign of how the co is going to approach nego's.
You know, some of our top leaders within maint have stated numerous times that they want to "repair" the relationship between the co and union after that ridiculous long 6 plus years of nego our contract. I know this is a different work group, and quite possibly different reasons. but actions speak volumes, and these co actions are leading to the exact same way they were nego in our contract where at approx 3 years in they have to ask for mediation. C'mon Man, not this same ole crap again SWA, get to the table and get the deal done with our F/A's and show the other groups (who are watching closely) that you mean what you say about getting back to the way it USE TO BE. You know, the good ole days...

If AMFA can take almost 7 years to negotiate a contract how can you possibly hope to sell them to other people? SWA never took AMFA seriously and was able to basically ignore them forever because they have no power to pressure the Airlines.

Terrible Union. Just absolutely terrible.
If AMFA can take almost 7 years to negotiate a contract how can you possibly hope to sell them to other people? SWA never took AMFA seriously and was able to basically ignore them forever because they have no power to pressure the Airlines.

Terrible Union. Just absolutely terrible.
They took them seriously. They knew that in the end they could take more work from them if they dragged them out, dragged them in to court, have them sign a non-disclosure settlement they could buy them off for a few dollars on the second go around.
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Sad to see, buy apparently true. Sure hope there is a 180 degree turn around when Tech Ops goes into our next nego's. Not banking on anything as actions will speak louder than words for sure.
Sad to see, buy apparently true. Sure hope there is a 180 degree turn around when Tech Ops goes into our next nego's. Not banking on anything as actions will speak louder than words for sure.

There won’t be because you are represented by Lawyers who won’t get paid if they are not doing something to bill you for. So you will likely linger another 7 years next time again. Sad but I really believe that’s your reality.
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And that 180 degree turn has apparently happened. Our wonderful F/A's have come to an AIP and hopefully moves into a T/A so the membership can vote. Congrats to all F/A's as well as the nego cmte's of both sides for getting it done. Look forward to the details once they come out so pls share.
On a second note, as we all know by now our Mechanic and Related group has also come to an AIP for a 3 year contract extension and we also await for the final details to be worked out and published.
Such a nice change to see the co and union groups getting agreements done so fast (8 total since Oct of last year) A new page is turned in the SWA nego arena's. Congrats to all involved...
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Our F/A's have come to a T/A with SWA. And just in time for the 3rd Q earnings report today. We shall see if the membership likes it soon.

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And there you have it. SWA F/A's overwhelmingly reject the T/A by approx 2/3rds.
Now we wait to see why.

Because they're smart enough to not take the first crap deal that comes along.

Yes it does appear that AMFA was the only Labor group to quickly jump on a new deal like some back alley whore grabbing a John from behind the garbage dump.
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Looks like out F/A's are getting a 2nd vote for the same contract offer. Question; Will it be dragged through the holidays? Or will it be put on pause until after the new year?? True Ballot is taking the blame for a possible unsecured vote that took place last time.
I believe the results last time were 64-36 against, will be interesting to see how the numbers will change after 2nd vote.

Yes it does appear that AMFA was the only Labor group to quickly jump on a new deal like some back alley whore grabbing a John from behind the garbage dump.
Probably got shafted by management enough, those guys are desperate and will take anything. Those guys has the worst contract in the industry with no scope that protects them from getting shafted. I've came across one that quit during the 7 year hiatus, hes not the sharpest tool in the shack. Typical retards in the industry. Sad to say they fired that idiot a few years ago. All he got from those scamfa was a broken knee and no retro after he quit. Pathetic contract.

I bet their current pool of mechanics now are straight out of school or rejects that no one would hire.

Hence you got a retard here that talks in third person name "SWAMECH". Just imagine how that retard works at his job.

Now get back to reality "swamech" you work at a low cost, nothing industry leading or news worthy. stop drinking that cool aid and stop smoking that crack. Unless its managements crack, in
which case you got that scent all over your face.
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