Phone pad signing u out while still working...this needs to be fixed


Aug 20, 2002
Thought CWA was looking into this matter...this is an important item especially the way the sups have been acting lately...even a few minutes can make the difference....
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 11/10/2002 2:25:37 PM Res wrote:
[P]Thought CWA was looking into this matter...this is an important item especially the way the sups have been acting lately...even a few minutes can make the difference.... [/P]----------------[BR][/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]Have never ever seen this happen.What is more common is your PC going down once maybe twice a day guaranteed(the white screen effect due to lack of memory), and thats 5 to 10 minutes off your stats while rebooting. I forward a deployment note to PC when this happens. Can't touch you with a nun's yardstick then.[/P]