
Aug 19, 2002
London and Paris come and go but Frankfurt soldiers on. In most places the first two cities have much higher traffic. What keeps FRA alive and well in PIT when the others are being shut down?
My only guess would be FRA has more connecting traffic. At UAL we consistently have terrific loads on the FRA flights. Of course with LH hub we have the Star Connections there and perhaps that is the idea with the PIT-FRA service as U becomes part of star.

Also, I am guessing FRA is a better place to connect due to the slot restrictions at LHR making connections expensive and not as numerous as FRA.
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IIRC, FRA was PIT's first European route. Maybe an increasingly strong community of interest has developed; plus Penna does have a large German ethnic makeup.

The connecting hub idea makes sense, too. It's either that or sauerkraut smuggling.
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>>>One word: Bayer.

Ah, that's what I was looking for. Thanks.