(Poll) Will C O H E N 'FLIP' ????

Jay Goldberg, New York attorney, has a framed letter from the Donald on his living room wall. The letter says that Mr. Goldberg is the best lawyer he (the Donald) ever had. Mr. Goldberg, called the Donald day before yesterday and told him that Cohen will flip at the first mention of jail time. It seems that Cohen is liable to both Federal and State (of New York) crimes. State crimes can not be pardoned by the President; so, if convicted of a state crime, Cohen is almost guaranteed a lot of jail time per the legal talking heads on television.

Mr. Goldberg told the New York Times that he told the Donald that "on a scale of 1 to 100 where 100 represents total protection of the Donald, Mr. Cohen doesn't even rate a 1." Mr. Goldberg and I vote YES. We think Mr. Cohen will flip to avoid (or at least reduce) jail time. He also recommended that the Donald fire Rod Rosenstein and warned that Cohen might "wear a wire" to record conversations with the Donald.

To be fair, a Republican legal talking head on NBC called into question just how good a lawyer Mr. Goldberg is if he called the Donald, warned him about Cohen and Rosenstein, and then called the New York Times and recounted what he told the Donald. That means that the conversation is no longer protected by attorney-client privilege. The Donald is just surrounded by geniuses.
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  • #3
WOW. Amazing that 'Jim, Atty Goldberg, dell and I are the ONLY ones answering the poll question. I mean, with ALL the RE-PLUG opinionated loudmouth rocket scientists on here, I would have thought that we'd be at least on 'page 2' by now.
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  • #9
Conservative Tribune ??? SAY NO MORE !
If Cohen is tried in (NY) State court, that D - BAG @ '1600 can't do a ******G thing !!
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  • #11
NOW we're hearing that COH-HEN took 'Five Hundred LARGE' ($500,000) from some Russian Billionaire , around the time he was paying STORMY for her silence. News Flash. FUX News is starting to get VERY nervous !!!!!!!!!
NOW we're hearing that COH-HEN took 'Five Hundred LARGE' ($500,000) from some Russian Billionaire , around the time he was paying STORMY for her silence. News Flash. FUX News is starting to get VERY nervous !!!!!!!!!
Well looky here Bears! For once we have a Federal Judge on our side!
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  • #15
' COH HEN ' just told George S. / ABC News, in an interview, that his Family and Country ' COME FIRST ' !
Trouble in Paradise ??????????

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