Quarter results


The star of this round of earnings may be US Airways Group Inc., which combined last year with America West Holdings Corp. Analysts expect the carrier to report earnings of $3.31 a share, or about $285 million.
Actually, the consensus of the analyst's is $3.31 per share, with the consensus really being the mean of the forecasts (equal numbers forecasting higher as lower). The range is from $3.09 to $3.76.

That said, EPS is somewhat irrelevant unless you have or are thinking of getting stock (or have options) since it can affect stock price. The company (or major investors in our case) control the number of shares so therefore can affect the EPS. When Wolf bought back $2 Billion worth of US shares, it improved the EPS numbers but didn't do anything to improve the company's fortunes.

Some would argue (I would be one) that Wolf's decision led to the demise and ultimate merger of US Airways. A more self serving decision I've Never seen.

I always felt Siegel was unfairly blamed as he had to clean up the disaster created by Wolf.

Same thing happened at America West. Spent tons of money buying back shares--money that could have been used instead of getting a govt backed loan.