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Sep 28, 2003
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I have been reading the posts lately and I have signed up and feel I must express my opinion. Steve Connell is one of the reasons we must defeat the TWU. If he represented me and recall was available I would start a recall petition.
How many times in the past have we been sold out by so called good union brothers who have had management aspirations. Let's name a few...

Dennis Quich
James Klopz (this guy was charging people for disloyalty one week and turning management the next)
Michael Jackson

I am sure there are more.
They use the skills they have learned in the union to represent us, to sell us out instead.
I have no problem with management what I have a problem with is people who become union officers and use the TWU's cozy relationship with the company to benefit ithemselves at the expense of the union membership. Your comments do not surprise me Steve but your comments reaffirm my belief that you and people like you are attracted to the TWU like bugs to a buglite. This guy Connell is cut from the same cloth the traders mentioned above are and he has the audacity to call himself a good union member and the audacity to ridicule the supporters of AMFA as being "union busters". Steve you have jello for a spine. You are the lowest form of union member. I wonder how many nanoseconds it would take you to cross a picket line. Don't talk to me about unionism you sorry two-faced sellout scum.
I can assure you that Steve is more of a Union brother than the rest of the cry babies on the floor. All they want to do is cry and let someone else do the dirty work. The trouble with MCI is there are not enough members out there that want to get involved. A Union is only as strong as it's membership. Wouldn't be any different with amfa.
Then Steve will be able to defeat any International driven issues that are brought forth and voted on through the ROLL CALL vote process of Local 514. I knew that AA bought Twa for some reason, it was to pick up Steve Connell.
I call a dog a dog..and that is what is upsetting to most. I have not ran for any elected position, except steward, in the past...nor do I intend to in the future., my local knows I will help when and where I am needed...can you state the same?..believe it or not..there are some with backbone and integrity...I realize my posts are not the most popular here, but that is to be expected by AA unionists. No wonder the TWU has problems with their locals..look at the floors that supposedly give them their strength..yeah right.

And if you for a minute think that a certain rapport should not be established with management then you are the one requiring recall. Oooops...forgot about all you hardballers here...yeah right.
Buck said:
Then Steve will be able to defeat any International driven issues that are brought forth and voted on through the ROLL CALL vote process of Local 514. I knew that AA bought Twa for some reason, it was to pick up Steve Connell.
You prefer one local one vote? That way the overhaul bases get to pay the costs and loose control. When are you bidding the line Buck?

As a union stewart you should not have to receive this lecture but here goes...

A union officer should not be willing to run to management to sell out his union brother. Union business is just that union business. A union officer should maintain a certain amount of distance between himself and management. Fratenization between union stewards and management should be kept to a minimum otherwise there is the perception that the steward is actually working against the union members and for management.
You embody everything the TWU is about, working to improve the company at the memberships expense, and everything I'm against.
Steve, if your union is on strike you should not cross it's picket line or any other picket line the union honors. You should make it a rule, as a union man, not to cross picket lines.

Steve, have some dignity don't rat out union members to management.
Steve, you claim to be a union man. Great! I too support my LOCAL. I do not support my international. The reason is because the international does not support me. My LOCAL supports me. Hence, I will do everything to remove the twu from representing me at AA. How about you? Do you support the international? Have you signed an AMFA card? No lengthy bullshit answer please. Simple yes or no will do.
j7915 said:
You prefer one local one vote? That way the overhaul bases get to pay the costs and loose control. When are you bidding the line Buck?
I will go to the line when the need arises. But what you are asking is since I desire my craft and class so much I should leave. I guess I could ask when are you going to drive the bus. I prefer democracy a foreign term to the TWU.

As a union stewart you should not have to receive this lecture but here goes...

A union officer should not be willing to run to management to sell out his union brother. Union business is just that union business.

Firstly..it's steward..secondly, they are not my union brother as they have turned their back on their local and me with the signing of their card, that is their right, but do not call them my brother.

BTW...An avid AMFA organizer @ MCI went to HR in regards to a steward..is he now a RAT also? I know..it was the TWU's fault he went to the 3rd floor yelling harrassment...yeah right.
Steve Connell said:
BTW...An avid AMFA organizer @ MCI went to HR in regards to a steward..is he now a RAT also? I know..it was the TWU's fault he went to the 3rd floor yelling harrassment...yeah right.
FYI...He tripped over the twu boys groveling to management on the way there.
Buck said:
I will go to the line when the need arises. But what you are asking is since I desire my craft and class so much I should leave. I guess I could ask when are you going to drive the bus. I prefer democracy a foreign term to the TWU.
Buck, you specifically pointed out that the ROLL CALL voting is something you don't like about the TWU. Because it gives the largest local too much control?

Therefore you must be suporting the one local one vote policy. That is fine by me, as long as the total costs of the international are apportioned the same way: divide the expenses by the number of locals and not just blindly collect 2 hours per member.

Can you understand no taxation without proportional representation?

No one is asking you to leave, that is between you and the company, I just wondered if you want to be in the biggest local, paying the expenses yet having only one vote?? Is that so hard to understand 🙁
I will go where I need to go and of course by seniority.

Yes, I do believe in one vote for each member. Just because a local has the majority of the members does not mean they should control all issues unless the majority votes for their issue. There are issues such as economics of an area that might effect how a member would vote. And why is it that the majority of the line members have made the decision to allow for a democratic vote and the Roll Call system prevents this democracy?