SEVERE Lack of LEADERSHIP (When it was needed the Most) !

Aug 20, 2002

The M O R O N,

* Described Dazed and Confused

* Calls HHS sec AZAR an Alarmist

* Now wants to fire Dr. Fauci

* (Not that T-Rump could've saved all), B U T, over 20,000 people D E A D

I could go on, BUT perhaps the scariest thing are the likes of T-Rump, Limbaugh, Hannity, and the apologists that want to reelect this Poisonous P O S !!
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Shut down flights from China a couple days later even while Fauci was crowing this on Jan 21st:

Also while media, including NYT, was crowing this as well:

Firing the only adult in the room would be a disaster, and I have to think there'd be pushback from even Trump's biggest yes-men?
That's funny...:D
Trump and his minions will never change.
If they 'look like they do', watch out, because they are not sincere.
Better to just vote these a$$ kissers out!
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If Bears can post the New York Times, I guess I can post this. Listen to it and tell me something is not rotten here! I said "I think I smell something!" this just might be it!

Comparing Fux News with the NY TIMES, just CONTINUES to show how You'd be interested in buying the BROOKLYN BRIDGE !
WE would have thought by now, that you would've figured out why HITLER was so successful with the millions of the people of Germany, But alas, SADLY....N O !!!!!
18 million Americans out of work in three weeks and Dianne Feinstein's first thought is to send the Iranian regime $5 billion?....... You can't make this sh&t up! And the Libs. are getting so desperate because they know they can't win an election fairly, so they are trying to change the rules! This governor this begging for a lawsuit! Frankly I believe he should be thrown out of office and jailed!
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Oh My....
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18 million Americans out of work in three weeks and Dianne Feinstein's first thought is to send the Iranian regime $5 billion?....... You can't make this sh&t up! And the Libs. are getting so desperate because they know they can't win an election fairly, so they are trying to change the rules! This governor this begging for a lawsuit! Frankly I believe he should be thrown out of office and jailed!

YOU, referencing the ' HARD CORE CONSERVATIVE, National Review ', just goes to show that YOU are part of the 'ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT' Nit Wits, the kind, one would find in SC/GA/AL/TN/MS/LA/TX/KS/IA and UT !!
PS, Insp69. Do YOU have a " BAG of HAMMERS " ?
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Why not 'open up' Wyoming, South Dakota, North Dakota and Idaho.
For sure, That definitly will Jump-Start the National Economy.

Montana ? Sorry, NO. Montana has a Very popular DEMOCRATIC Governor !

Believe it or not, the nit-wit RE-PLUG Governor here in NH, (Chris Sununu) say " NO-WAY ", we're opening up, before it SAFE to do so !

Methinks Sununu wants to Hang with the BIG BOYS from MA(Another RE-PLUG Governor), and All the D's in RI/CT/NY/NJ/PA/DE/ and another RE-PLUG in Maryland !
It must Suck, to live in places like KS/OK/AR/MO, and God Forbid the SOUTH as well !!!!!!!!!!!
YOU, referencing the ' HARD CORE CONSERVATIVE, National Review ', just goes to show that YOU are part of the 'ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT' Nit Wits, the kind, one would find in SC/GA/AL/TN/MS/LA/TX/KS/IA and UT !!
PS, Insp69. Do YOU have a " BAG of HAMMERS " ?
How would an idiot like you, that doesn't know his a$$ from a hole in the ground, know anything about truth? Bears all you can come up with is B.S. and you have a big mouth with nothing to back it up! ........You wouldn't know a fact if your mamma swore by it! And you really don't give a damn!...... P.S. Bears, do you have a "BOX of ROCKS" ?
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The M O R O N,

* Described Dazed and Confused

* Calls HHS sec AZAR an Alarmist

* Now wants to fire Dr. Fauci

* (Not that T-Rump could've saved all), B U T, over 20,000 people D E A D

I could go on, BUT perhaps the scariest thing are the likes of T-Rump, Limbaugh, Hannity, and the apologists that want to reelect this Poisonous P O S !!

SEVERE Lack of LEADERSHIP (When it was needed the Most) !

Pelosi On Democrats Blocking Additional Small Business Relief: ‘I Congratulate The Senate Democrats”

In her Tuesday interview, Speaker Pelosi boasted about how she was part of negotiations “on the Senate side”, which ultimately led to Democrats denying the additional small business funding to get approved, and she congratulated them for their efforts

“So last week when they came — they asked for a quarter of a trillion dollars in forty-eight hours,” Pelosi said. “And I said, ‘Well, I don’t, I don’t think so. Let’s see how we can open this up to many more people.’”

She continued, “So, Chuck Schumer and I — this all happened on the Senate side, and I congratulate the Senate Democrats — they all went to the floor when Mitch McConnell went in for 250 (billion dollars) and they said they objected.”
So you want leadership do you?...... Do you really think you can get it from this man?

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