Stupid TOL Schedule LOL


Aug 20, 2002
Okay I''m at a loss here after bring asked why Northwest would set the schedule up like this -- but here goes:
Outbound to Detroit:
5883 650a 740a CRJ
3146 834a 915a SF3
2957 1030a 1113a SF3
3328 137p 223p SF3
2960 510p 549p SF3
Inbound from Detroit:
3147 1220p 110p SF3
3090 340p 436p SF3
3352 530p 614p SF3
3378 700p 744p SF3
5879 855p 945p CRJ
I understand the pilot layoffs and retirement of the 340As as causing some crunching, hence why we are going from 7 to 5 flights. However, why do they have 3 overnighting planes? LOL One Saab is on the ground for 14 hours, another for almost 15 hours, and the CRJ is fine. Of course the added ground time will allow them to play with their new jetbridge for training/practice...but it doesn''t make sense to have these planes sitting on the ground for more than half a day. If anything have them run a flight or two to MSP and/or MEM. I don''t get scheduling sometimes. LOL
possibly they've cut the number of flights to TOL to meet demand. If demand is soft to DTW they most likely have no reason to believe that demand would be any better to MSP or MEM. In fact, haven't other airlines lately cut seats? Comair, US Airways Express....
Do they do any maintenance there? I'm not aware of any, but that would certainly explain the schedule. Just a thought.
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Cart - If the decision was just on demand -- then certain flights would have stuck around. However, they are(?) retiring the 340As which is putting a crunch on the Saab fleet. The whole jist of the post was why are they keeping the planes on the ground for 14-15 hours a day. Demand to MSP & MEM is up (MSP thanks to ATA) and the two cities have been discussed by the airport and NW. They've progressed so far (in terms of boosting TOL service) that a new jet bridge has been installed for them - replacing an older one that was at their gate. Regarding other services...US Airways did cut the last ERJ flight out of here (their loads have tanked since they pulled 3 others out several months ago to replace mainline on DTW-PIT, couple with Shuttle's poor performance over the last few months didn't help either). Delta Connection has made some adjustments due to Comair replacing ACA on the east coast. So like every city we are seeing 3 of 5 remaining CRJs replaced with 328s. However, one of the CRJs will be upgraded to an ATR-72 in a month or so. That that'll give us 2 AT7s, 1 CRJ and 5 328s to CVG. ATL remains untouched. Loss of 38 seats - no biggy.

AAG - No mx done here for the Saab through Mesaba or any of the other onsite mx providers.
It's weird that NW would overnight that many planes in TOL. The capacity reductions aren't surprising.

As for DL Connection, I expect TOL will see its first Comair CRJ700 to CVG next summer. CAK gets their first 700 to CVG in September. Only downside for CAK is that they are losing their one mainline flight to ATL (replaced by 2 ASA CRJ700's).
I flew through CLE on a red-eye a few days ago and noticed FOUR red tails overnighting there. Maybe NWAC is out of apron parking at DTW.