Teacher Accidentally Fires Gun; At Least 1 Student Injured

Here is the new CNN AR15, we got us a "Full Semi-Automatic" here, shot by a full on libtard "general" that must have skipped all that hot and noisy range training in the Army.

The "general" must have been in charge of the motor pool, because he shoots like he's scared and frightened of the mighty .223/556......looking at the grouping at a laughable 25 yards, he must be. My 99yr old grandmother could whip his ass.

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Well, obviously the teacher is a Democrat libtard (save the Hack the trouble) who deliberately injured that student to try and make an NRA wonderful idea look dumb.
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Just what we need; more guns in sch----

Oh wait, that's a terrible idea. Never mind.
Yeah Kevy, nobody wants to carry in a school. Unfortunately, that is the sad reality today outside of the gun free leftist utopia that does not exist. Just like airports, banks, court houses, the Oscars, and congressional base base games, criminals and the insane that shoot people don't care about gun laws or murder laws.

The school police didn't protect Parkland, so it's time for teachers that want to take the training to carry and protect their schools. I wish there was another way, but there is not.
Well, obviously the teacher is a Democrat who deliberately injured that student to try and make an NRA wonderful idea look dumb.
Obviously, his "full semi-automatic" went rouge and shot itself into the ceiling because it was mad at the NRA. That gun needs to be retrained.
A teacher with a gun....a GOOD thing according to our dear leader...and it goes off and injures a kid..and the best Hack can do is a half dozen "tards" and a nitpick the words "full automatic". Everybody knows that the correct term is non automatic automatic weapon.
A teacher with a gun....a GOOD thing according to our dear leader...and it goes off and injures a kid..and the best Hack can do is a half dozen "tards" and a nitpick the words "full automatic". Everybody knows that the correct term is non automatic automatic weapon.
KCFrier, details matter, and your rant libtardis misses that mark as usual.

1. Not just any teacher with a gun (one like yourself, firearm clueless). A willing trained teacher, that knows guns, shoots guns, hunts with guns, and more than likely ex-military. Even then, like all weapons, accidents can happen.

2. I merely pointed out the new CNN AR15, the "Full Semi Automatic AR15". Everybody but regular CNN viewers, including you, know what the goal of the uneducated "general of the motor pool" was attempting to accomplish: Link full auto "class 3" M4 that has the "fun switch" and is illegal, with the legal "semi auto" AR15. Not gonna work, like the generals shooting skills or KCFrier and the very limited firearm knowledge.

3. It's not just tard, its lib-tard. Liberal + retard= Libtard That's not dotard, or retard, motard.

You have to pay attention, and not be a goofball whinner all of your life...or what's left of it.
KCFrier, details matter, and your rant libtardis misses that mark as usual.

1. Not just any teacher with a gun (one like yourself, firearm clueless). A willing trained teacher, that knows guns, shoots guns, hunts with guns, and more than likely ex-military. Even then, like all weapons, accidents can happen.

2. I merely pointed out the new CNN AR15, the "Full Semi Automatic AR15". Everybody but regular CNN viewers, including you, know what the goal of the uneducated "general of the motor pool" was attempting to accomplish: Link full auto "class 3" M4 that has the "fun switch" and is illegal, with the legal "semi auto" AR15. Not gonna work, like the generals shooting skills or KCFrier and the very limited firearm knowledge.

3. It's not just tard, its lib-tard. Liberal + retard= Libtard That's not dotard, or retard, motard.

You have to pay attention, and not be a goofball whinner all of your life...or what's left of it.
Yes....but that sounds so....choppy....I mean say it...lib tard....almost have to stop and pause a second because it's rather difficult to say. Let's compare that to "conservatard"....notice how that flows so much more smoothly....very natural...very easy. Conservatard. No stopping on that one...it just rolls off the tongue. Just like their words when it comes to politics.
Yes....but that sounds so....choppy....I mean say it...lib tard....almost have to stop and pause a second because it's rather difficult to say. Let's compare that to "conservatard"....notice how that flows so much more smoothly....very natural...very easy. Conservatard. No stopping on that one...it just rolls off the tongue. Just like their words when it comes to politics.
Choppy....well I guess acute libtarditis (that is swelling of the brain from living on ones knees as an apologist for 70 years) will do that to speech and clear thought.

I mean after 8 years of Obammy it's a miracle we are not all wearing red stars and living at the commune. We really reaaaallllyyyy dodged a big commie libtard bullet with the demise of the Hildabeast.

I would have figured you would have had a better comeback, but your about like a Wonder Mutt with a better vocabulary and a key board that works...but brainless when it comes to critical thought.
This coming from a person who cannot make a post without the letters t a r and d in it, and where insults outnumber critical thoughts 100 to zero.