Ted Cruz, John Kasich join forces to stop Donald Trump

Trying to get voters to vote against someone or something is never as effective as showing the voter why they should vote for someone or something.  This agreement between Cruz and Kasich assumes that if Cruz does not campaign actively in moderate Republican states, such as Oregon, that the otherwise Cruz voters will vote for Kasich.  I doubt it.  It is more likely that the Cruz voters just won't vote--particularly if they feel abandoned by Cruz.  Or, they will vote for Trump out of spite for the same reason.  And, vice versa for Kasich voters.  Voters tend to take it personally when a candidate basically announces that "I know I don't have a chance of winning in your state therefore I'm not going to waste my time on your state."
Nah, I think it's a reasonable approach. Neither one has nothing to lose by doing this.

There's a conventional wisdom (no pun intended) that both Cruz and Kasich stand far more of a chance at an open convention than they do splitting the vote three ways.

It could also be setting the stage for a Cruz/Kasich ticket, which I think more people on the right would be open to than Trump & anyone.
eolesen said:
Nah, I think it's a reasonable approach. Neither one has nothing to lose by doing this.

There's a conventional wisdom (no pun intended) that both Cruz and Kasich stand far more of a chance at an open convention than they do splitting the vote three ways.

It could also be setting the stage for a Cruz/Kasich ticket, which I think more people on the right would be open to than Trump & anyone.
If ANYONE thinks of PORKING T-Rump, now that he's up to 1000 delegates, with more to come, yet assuming he falls  a   c hair  short of 1237, needs to understand one thing :   THIRD PARTY CANDIDATE  !!!
Trump heads towards the nomination.
' HILL heads to the W H  !!
eolesen said:
Nah, I think it's a reasonable approach. Neither one has nothing to lose by doing this.

There's a conventional wisdom (no pun intended) that both Cruz and Kasich stand far more of a chance at an open convention than they do splitting the vote three ways.

It could also be setting the stage for a Cruz/Kasich ticket, which I think more people on the right would be open to than Trump & anyone.
Well, the approach certainly didn't seem to work last night. Cruz has made much of the fact that in a lot of Trump's wins he still didn't collect 50% or more of the votes.  Last night he did.  Wonder what the argument will be in Indiana.
eolesen said:
Nah, I think it's a reasonable approach. Neither one has nothing to lose by doing this.There's a conventional wisdom (no pun intended) that both Cruz and Kasich stand far more of a chance at an open convention than they do splitting the vote three ways.It could also be setting the stage for a Cruz/Kasich ticket, which I think more people on the right would be open to than Trump & anyone.
Cruz just chose Carly Fiorina as his running mate. Hasn't anyone told him that he just got totally slaughtered last night?
WeAAsles said:
Cruz just chose Carly Fiorina as his running mate. Hasn't anyone told him that he just got totally slaughtered last night?
Apparently not....
A big-time RNC operative/lawyer said on one of the talk shows today (MSNBC) that the Cruz-Kasich duo is basically done.  It did what Cruz wanted it to do--keep Kasich out of Indiana--and give him (Cruz) a slightly better chance of carrying the state.  The operative didn't say it in so many words, but the MSNBC commentator translated from RNC-speak to English for the rest of us, and the operative didn't say a word to disagree with the leader.
It will be interesting to see if Cruz keeps his word to stay out of Kasich-likely states in the West.
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Hatu said:
Boehner calls Cruz 'Lucifer in the flesh'

"Lucifer in the flesh," Boehner told Stanford's David Kennedy, a history professor emeritus, according to the Stanford Daily. "I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a #### in my life."

I love the way these guys stab each other in the back... :p
Boehner knows Cruz will never be elected anything other than what he is now. Boehner is a lobbyist now. He will torch Cruz after what he did to him while he was speaker.

Politics is tough business. Don't wrestle with a pig like Boehner and expect to come out clean.