Tonight I attended a meeting in the CLT Hangar that was conducted by VP of Maintenance Charlie Nardello. The meeting was for the most part , very bland. Nardello of course stuck to the company line about this being the final solution/option. Mr. Nardello of course fielded the questions about the $6M in bonus money being given to people at his level...and slightly below. Nardello said that his piece of the pie..was around $40k for the year. He was asked if he felt he was deserving of this? He awnsered in a most affirmative Yes He stated of the 15 areas that are rated for his performance...He had achieved his goals. This is all well and good...but the arrogance of saying this , in front of a room of people , some of which will not only not make $40K in a year ...but will likely be un-employed within the next 60 days , well this simply struck me cold. This is part of being a leader...vs. being a poor leader. Nardello should be leading by example...especially when facing the troops. He should not only be taking the required concessions....He should be refusing this bonus on principal alone. How can a person , with clear thinking , expect to lead others whom are in some cases going to suffer the loss of everything ...while he profits from what anyone could deam as poor performance by the company as a whole. This in summation...continues to speak poorly of our corporate officers and leaders. We are being asked to take one on the chin for the team....I think this needs to be a shared situation in all respects. Bonuses should not even be a long as BK looms...profits are un-heard of...and people are losing jobs at this company by the day. This is where the rubber meets the road.....LEAD BY EXAMPLE!!!