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Aug 20, 2002
Listen. We are getting treated like dirt by US Airways. The company's actions over the past 24 hours are despicable. Laying people off, with no notice, two days before thanksgiving? What does it take for us to wake up? We vote yes to save the company (well most of you, I guess). We get treated like this! I was furloughed a while back, but this takes any desire to ever return to US Airways away from me.
Do we want to work for a company like this? A company that sends in the hatchet men to throw people out EXACTLY A MONTH BEFORE CHRISTMAS! Seriously, the Grinch himself couldn't do better.
If you think Dave is labor friendly what will it take for you to think otherwise? None of our past leaders, even the most vile and contemptable haven't pulled a stunt like this.
We need to find work elsewhere and let this ship go. We are trying to keep the Titanic afloat and are only going to drown with it. I, for one, am going to actively encourage everyone I have contact with not to fly US Airways over the holidays (or ever) for that matter. The media needs to know how absolutely nasty this whole encounter was and the timing couldn't have been worse. Are we going to keep giving and giving and still end up on the street when all is done, like Eastern and Pan Am?
If US Airways survives, most of us will not have jobs and the recall lists will be so long, getting called off furlough in three years will be impossible. The few dinasaurs left and the executives might enjoy in the successes of US Airways, but we will not.
Those of us who are unemployed need to declare a public relations war against our former employer! Let the public know how screwed up US Airways is. Mechanics, let the public know the funny business that has gone on. CSAs, let the public know the horror stories of people stranded for days in PHL! I for one have a mission. That mission is to see this company go under. Most of our careers are done, let's finish the job. Dave ruined our holidays, let's ruin his party. Send him back to the rental car business!!!!
N513AU said:

I for one have a mission. That mission is to see this company go under.

DCAflyer says:

Real nice! So 35,000 other people can be out of work too! The company is better off being without people like you.
N513AU asked:

What about the 30,000 or so that ARE ALREADY OUT OF WORK!

DCAflyer responds:

It never even approached 30,000. As of 9/11/01 there were I believe about 44,000 people on the payroll.

Nobody likes what is happening, and I don't think the company should have laid people off so close to a major holiday. But the company simply doesn't have the money to pay excess people. It's a sad fact of life. We've all made sacrifices and undoubtedly more will have to be made. If you don't want to come back to the company, that's fine. But how dare you try to derail the livelihoods of the 30,000 or so remaining people, as well as those who are bound to return once the economy picks back up.
<PORTION DELETED BY MODERATOR>. He is truly what we would teach our children not to be. Character is king. Regardless of the situation one is handed. No excuses for this kind of ranting and raving. <PORTION DELETED BY MODERATOR>
On 11/26/2002 1:24:17 PM N513AU wrote:

I, for one, am going to actively encourage everyone I have contact with not to fly US Airways over the holidays (or ever) for that matter.

If US Airways survives, most of us will not have jobs and the recall lists will be so long, getting called off furlough in three years will be impossible.

Those of us who are unemployed need to declare a public relations war against our former employer!

Perhaps you should step back from this situation and collect yourself. Your most recent post comes across as threatening and extremely irrational. Please remember that although your situation is not perfect, there are thousands of dedicated, honest, hard-working people that still want and need this airline to survive for their personal/financial well-being. Would you honestly desire to sabotage their welfare out of spite? If that is the case, it is an extreme positive that you are no longer associated with this airline.
As a paying customer I say THANK YOU to tadjr and I sincerely hope you never have to work with the likes of N513AU again.

The front line US employees I meet are great! I hope some of the bad apples get spilled from the cart before US makes a turn around and (hopefully) begins to bring some of the furloughed employees back onto the payrolls.

Wouldn't your time be better sepnt writing, calling, emailing your senators, congressmen and maybe even President Bush?

Believe me, we are all angry, disappointed, hurt, confused and downright sick about this. Why not take a constructive stance?

If US Airways, United Airlines or any other American industry goes out of business due to the terrorist attacks on OUR country, al Qaeda wins. It has met its goal of destroying the economy of our great nation. IF we are forced into a war with Iraq, it most certainly will cause more economic disruption and destruction on our shores.

US Airways was in trouble before 9/11. I believe if we'd had the right management, we would have recovered.

How many people are unemployed in our country right now? How many jobs are available? It looks to me like we are facing the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

Please, don't take your frustrations and anger out on the wrong folks; your co-workers. Get busy writing the government. Check out the raises they took! Notice they are taking their holiday break while unemployment benefits are running out on those who lost their jobs months ago.

Find out what benefits are available to you. Job retraining in another field? Can you go back to school? Have you any VA benefits? Check out a career counselor. That's what I'm doing.

I will not join management's back stabbing party of my fellow employees and friends.
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What about the 30,000 or so that ARE ALREADY OUT OF WORK!
Thanks for your support. We'll try hard to keep things running smoothly around here so there is something left for you to come back to.... If you're gone and dont want to come back, thats fine, but for those of us who are still here, please dont try to help us.
Third quarter GNP grew by 4%. The economy is OK. People are not flying or paying high fares anymore. It appears to be a major shift in industry trends.

I love all of this union brotherhood I read here. It looks like the same old I got mine, now you get yours mentality.
On 11/26/2002 4:10:56 PM N628AU wrote:

PS --- JonC, any idea of how many planners may elect to furlough or transfer?

I just got off the phone with my supervisor. Things were REALLY nasty this morning. Apparently, Corporate Security was downright miserable to people and quite disagreeable. All of planning management in TPA is getting tossed out on the street.

As for Planners, I'm not entirely sure. I know that a good portion of us aren't taking the bump. It's not worth it, with the current situation being as shaky as it is. However, some of the senior planners, who have a ton of time are bumping into planner positions in CLT and PIT, from what I heard.

I think you should work over this thanksgiving at the local
soup thankful for what you have my friend.Your health,loved ones,people dear to you.
Let me do my job well as long as i am able to.still working
at Tampa fl.
First, my heartfelt sympathies go out to my fellow workers in TPA. This is never a pleasant thing to go through, I am going through it now in CLT.

The timing of this sucks. Sucks big time. That being said, they could have waited until Friday, but everyone is getting paid at least. The worst is yet to come. Thanks to IAM contract language, you now have a whopping three days to make a life altering decision. Take the layoff or uproot your family and go to PIT or CLT. On top of that, commuting is not really an option. You have a reduced flight scheduled, the holiday travel season, plus bad weather to contend with. Those factors led me to take the layoff from CLT and not go to PIT. Add in the Florida snowbirds, and you are all in much more of a bind than I was making this decision.

I can tell you this much, once you make the decision, life becomes much more relaxed. I am going to enjoy the holidays myself, and look at the severance package as a month of vacation for December. I am also looking to other industries for employment. This one is notoriously cyclical (every ten years or so), and no one seems to be determined to do anything about it. I for one, am not willing to go through this again in ten years (right about when our concessionary contracts expire). Enjoy Thanksgiving as much as you can, and look at this as a fresh start, and potentially in the long run the best thing that ever happened. Get up in the morning, get some exercise, find ways to enjoy life other than sitting on the computer or in front of the TV. To quote Tom Hanks' character from CastAway, Tomorrow the sun will rise.

PS --- JonC, any idea of how many planners may elect to furlough or transfer?
Seatacus -[BR]I am not surprised by this reaction. The way and manner Dave and Co. handled this latest round of cuts comes from the pond scum school of management. Actually, lower than pond scum. [BR][BR](edited by moderator) [BR][BR]I've been out of the airline business for many years now. I did some consulting work for companies whose management style is very similar to Dave Siegel - it's cold and calculating. In the beginning, the style is warm and fuzzy making you feel like you are an integeral part of the corporate machine. Later on you are asked to take on more responsibility (basically doing the job of a person who was terminated), next your services are devalued by cuts in salary. Lastly, you are no longer needed, you have been replaced by cheaper labor. Sad to say, but you guys ain't seen nothing yet....
On 11/26/2002 1:24:17 PM N513AU wrote:

I for one have a mission. That mission is to see this company go under. Most of our careers are done, let's finish the job. Dave ruined our holidays, let's ruin his party. Send him back to the rental car business!!!!

Well well well. What do we have here. Please don't snivel it's not becoming. When are you going realize that life is not always fair? Why would you try to cause problems for someone else, do you have job envy? Let the ones who are left deal with their employer in a manner they care to. Please go find a job where everyone is happy, if you can find one. If this company is to go under then let it do so on it's own merits, not with your help. That's just downright meanspirited.
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