US A-330 and 767 lift question


Aug 22, 2002
It has been reported that US's 767 and/or A-330's may be used for military airlift.
Do not post ANY speculations or information about where, when, or how these widebodies might be used to serve their country.
My question is:
Which current US Airways European destination(s) will/may see reduced or cancelled service (or a change in aircraft from a 330 to a 767) if/when the widebodies are pulled to serve their country???
Geo - not speculation, but what I think is pretty good logic and reasoning.... :)

USAirways has only 2 A330's obligated for military airlifts.

"US Airways is offering 2 of its Airbus A-330's for now but could eventually give up seven more of those plane plus ten Boeing 767's"

US can continue to serve the transatlantic flights with a reduction of just 2 A330s. If they have to give all that are quoted in the article, that would be the entire widebody fleet.

IIRC, there are 9 A330s and 10(or 11?) 767s. Between PHL, CLT and PIT, there are 8+1+1 European destinations daily right now. Summer is more, and with the innauguration of Ireland in May, that's even more of a requirement. But for the next few months, we need 10 widebodies to serve the transatlantic routes.

There are A330s and 767's are flying other North American routes like SJU, NAS, LAX and CUN, so those would probably be downgraded to a 757/A3xx before any widebodies are taken off Europe routes.
Well this PAX would just call BUSH and tell him to fly my fat white hairy a$$ on Air Force One if my London or Amsterdam flights are cancelled or aircraft changed. I personally am sick of tired of hearing about the possibility of war right now. The government needs to concentrate on our economy and helping the airlines to boot.

Ok enough complaining, but I just needed to get that off my chest!!
The economy won't mean much if Saddam keeps giving Bin Laden's entourage the wherewithal to kill Americans.

I would gladly give my time to our President, to keep the military charters flying.
What I don't understand is why we are filling aircraft with troops to go to Iraq, when we could be sending them to where the Bush administration thinks that Osama is: Afghanistan. I start looking for him!! Why aren't we sending our troops and spending our efforts against the forces that are threatening to attack my home town? Seems odd to me?
On 2/11/2003 4:38:42 PM sp300 wrote:

The economy won't mean much if Saddam keeps giving Bin Laden's entourage the wherewithal to kill Americans.

I would gladly give my time to our President, to keep the military charters flying.

C'mon, even the CIA has come out and publicly stated that they can't find a shred of evidence to connect the two. The only thing Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden have in common is they both received financing and weapons from the U.S. of A. in the 80's!

I know I'm off topic here, but I have to challenge this.

Before we go running off to bomb some country, risking the lives of our loved ones and those of Iraqi civilians, don't folks think we ought to take a long hard look at what kind of foreign policy led us to associate with such scumbags to begin with?

Especially when the war is likely to have such grave consequences for our economy, airlines, our family members and friends who are being called up (my brother just left tonight) and all of the Iraqi civilians who are going to be caught in the crossfire....

This ain't about defending our country, folks. It's about money, oil and power. It ain't about stopping a tyrant in Iraq either. Will the next guy we install in power there be any better than the last one we propped up in power there? Hmmm... that would have been.... Oh yeah, Saddam Hussein!

All this does is put our loved ones in harms way, inspire new recruits for bin Laden and create chaos in our economy and in global politics.

This is serious stuff here. Our loved ones are being sent to possibly make the ultimate sacrifice. We owe it to them to ask some hard questions instead of declaring connections between bin Laden and Hussein that just ain't there!


Amen! Glad to hear a voice of reason. Perhaps if we hadn't aided such a tyrant in the Reagan years, I wouldn't be posting this message.
On 2/12/2003 7:31:05 AM CLTBWIDAYSYR wrote:


Amen! Glad to hear a voice of reason. Perhaps if we hadn't aided such a tyrant in the Reagan years, I wouldn't be posting this message.

Thanks for the supportive comments.

Yep, I remember back in the 80's when the U.S. was spending billions to arm and train the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan (bin Laden and his boys amongst them) I remember our governement nodding and winking at Saddam Hussein every time Hussein slaughtered the Kurds in the north or the Shi'ites to the south (actually that goes back to the 70's--does anyone remember Kissinger's famous line explaining away the betrayal of the Kurds? "Foreign policy isn't missionary work.").

I always thought Hussein was a monster and that the Mujahadeen were largely a bunch of terrorists, and that our government's policies of backing them would come back to haunt us. I never imagined how horrifying the blowback would eventually be!

So here we are, and it's time we asked whether the oft repeated phrase "serving our country" is closer to that old Outer Limits episode in which a book called "Serving Mankind" is actually a cookbook rather than a humanitarian text. I, for one, do not want my brother (or anyone's loved one) being served up on an alter of oil profits.

We ought to be serving our country by taking care of it, not by declaring ourselves the boss of the world.


Right on! This headlong rush to war without UN support is just insane.

But, back on topic: if you want to see how the 767 looks set up for the medical lifts, check out site under the US Airways threads. Very cool. But let's all pray they won't be used and this is only a drill.


PS: Got your plastic sheeting and duct tape yet?
Orphan Wrote:

"We ought to be serving our country by taking care of it, not by declaring ourselves the boss of the world".



You can also, go to and do a search for US Airways, and the tail # is 645us