DL''s continued attack on US continues with last Friday''s launch of 18 new flights out of DCA. Three weeks ago, DL announced new service to ERI...a longtime stronghold of US. Today, DL announced new service to BGM (Binghamton, NY)...another city long dominated by US.
Of course, part of this expansion is DL''s stated desire to improve the performance of the CVG hub by adding more spokes (MLI was also announced recently and its not served by US). However, it is clear that DL is attacking US with every RJ it can and US had better get RJ''s soon in order to counter.
Of course, part of this expansion is DL''s stated desire to improve the performance of the CVG hub by adding more spokes (MLI was also announced recently and its not served by US). However, it is clear that DL is attacking US with every RJ it can and US had better get RJ''s soon in order to counter.