You seem to really have a problem. Let me tell you from experience, go to BK, lose your beni's and most of your pay and see how you like it. The TWA deal did not cause this. 911 had a bigger hand in it along with Bush's policies. Bring back Bill and do away with 911 and the TWA deal would be the best thing that ever happened to AA and you. You need to get over the TWA deal, it is a done deal and all your whining is not going to change it. What you need to do is get the TWU to get with AA and change some of those outdated work rules. Work rules like TWA had that bought it to its knees. I know. I was there. What would it hurt for you to work the ticket counter, then run a last minute bag to the aircraft so that you do not have a pissed off customer at the other end when his bag does not make it. All airline employees better wake up and smell the roses. It would not hurt for a gate agent, f/a, Capt. or F/O, to help clean an aircraft before departure. I remember doing it at Ozark, and everything went fine. It is now either a time to change these old work rules, and quit saying it is not my job. Everyone needs to kick in and get the aircraft out on time with as small of a ground crew as possible. It is coming to it, you may not like it, but it will happen. Funny how history has a way of repeating itself. Now, everyone needs to work together and help AA start making a profit, so that we do not go the way of UAL or USAir or TWA or EAL or PA AM. I think you know what I mean.
Try to have a good nights sleep with your 11 years of service to AA. I know alot of people that have 3 to 4 times that much and are willing to do what it takes to make AA survive without BANKRUPTCY. It is you youngsters that do not understand. You have had it handed to you on a silver platter. Now is the time to wakeup before it is too late.....
You seem to really have a problem. Let me tell you from experience, go to BK, lose your beni's and most of your pay and see how you like it. The TWA deal did not cause this. 911 had a bigger hand in it along with Bush's policies. Bring back Bill and do away with 911 and the TWA deal would be the best thing that ever happened to AA and you. You need to get over the TWA deal, it is a done deal and all your whining is not going to change it. What you need to do is get the TWU to get with AA and change some of those outdated work rules. Work rules like TWA had that bought it to its knees. I know. I was there. What would it hurt for you to work the ticket counter, then run a last minute bag to the aircraft so that you do not have a pissed off customer at the other end when his bag does not make it. All airline employees better wake up and smell the roses. It would not hurt for a gate agent, f/a, Capt. or F/O, to help clean an aircraft before departure. I remember doing it at Ozark, and everything went fine. It is now either a time to change these old work rules, and quit saying it is not my job. Everyone needs to kick in and get the aircraft out on time with as small of a ground crew as possible. It is coming to it, you may not like it, but it will happen. Funny how history has a way of repeating itself. Now, everyone needs to work together and help AA start making a profit, so that we do not go the way of UAL or USAir or TWA or EAL or PA AM. I think you know what I mean.
Try to have a good nights sleep with your 11 years of service to AA. I know alot of people that have 3 to 4 times that much and are willing to do what it takes to make AA survive without BANKRUPTCY. It is you youngsters that do not understand. You have had it handed to you on a silver platter. Now is the time to wakeup before it is too late.....