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Would you lend Ual money???


Oct 13, 2002
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Instead of going to the outside for loans, would the employees loan the company the money in concessions?
We are the ones who can make the difference within the company structure.
Just think if we became the largest trustee in a bankruptcy proceeding. Could be another way of wrestling control away from a group who seems bent on the destruction of all union employees.
As a trustee could we get rid of management? Just thinking outside the box.
Would like to hear feedback on this issue.
How about trade concessions today for a job tommorrow?
Employee ownership of an airline doesn't work in my opinion. How often do you think you'll get consensus from all labor unions on what's best for the company? Unions will always act in their own best interests first, even if they differ from what's best for the company as a whole. The best course for UA long-term is restructure the governance of the company.
On 11/1/2002 9:08:14 PM UAL777flyer wrote:

Employee ownership of an airline doesn't work in my opinion. How often do you think you'll get consensus from all labor unions on what's best for the company? Unions will always act in their own best interests first, even if they differ from what's best for the company as a whole. The best course for UA long-term is restructure the governance of the company.

Ual has proven that employee ownership without any input into the direction the company is going does not work.
What hasn't been proven is whether a coalition of unions could run the company better than what we have had in the last 4 years.

If half of the Ual bod had been made up of union members, do you think the U purchase, or the avolar deal, or the unseamless contracts would have been issues. We will never know, but my guess would have been not likely.

Ownership did not put us in the situation we are in today. It was the Peter principle. Even after 9/11, the management team had no clue on how to reduce costs.
Revenues can no longer support the top management people at Ual. These are the jobs that must be eliminated in order to get costs in line with revenues.
Not eliminating real productive jobs which union and non union employees do everyday.

The problem is we will never know what self motivated employees can do. Management cannot afford to see a workforce that could self govern itself.
What would that do to the management pyramid.