412 or 480?

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Aug 20, 2002
Is there anyone else who feels like they have a 412 (or maybe even a 703) outlook in a world that has become 480? Look, I know the old days were not perfect, (many of us kvetched a lot on these pages back then) but did anyone expect what US has become now?

While I don't trust many of the things that mssrs Parker and Kirby say, I do believe them when they say that HP and US would not exist in any recognizable form today had they not combined. But I weep when I think about what could have been. At least the company is still around, in spite of so many predictions that said otherwise, bringing to mind Mark Twain's "the reports of my death are greatly exaggerated". And that is good. But, John Greenleaf Whittier's “For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, 'It might have been'."
ring true. So very true.

Enough 19th century quotes for one night. Just feeling wistful. Is anyone else is of a 412 or 703 frame of mind?

Hey, for a good laugh, zip over to the DL forum and see what I posted there.
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