701 Turns back to FRA

Possibly since fuel had to be burned off (or dumped) before landing anyway, so why not return to the origination? Just a thought.
You must not know what a bleed leak is, if you say there is no fire danger.

Nice job with the ad hominem attack! Bravo to you, sir!

Nowhere did I post that there was "no fire danger." You're pretty good at mis-quoting other people.

I know exactly what a bleed leak is and the slight risk of fire.

I agree with nycbusdriver when he said (in post #4):

nycbusdriver said:
If there was some situation that made fire imminent and/or likely, the airplane would not have flown all the way back to FRA past other adequate airports.

If there was any imminent risk of fire, the plane would have landed on the first suitable strip without returning all the way to FRA. As others have indicated in this thread, it's obvious that there was no substantial risk of immediate fire and death or else the plane would have landed ASAP.

Had there been a substantial risk of imminent fire, the plane would have landed heavy at the first available opportunity.

Yes, there was a risk of fire. Just not a substantial risk of immediate danger.
I didn't misquote you, but maybe I incorrectly read into your 'slight risk of fire'. Oops, I'll try to not do it again.