A Look In The Mirror!


Aug 20, 2002
737_200_N738N_2.jpg737_200_N738N_2.jpg :up: <_< Let me start by saying that I work on the ramp and have also worked in customer service as alot of us have. I also have freinds which are F?A's and pilots,mechanics,dispatchers,clerks,utlity and managers Some of us have worked alot of these jobs at diffrent times in our time with our aitline. OUR AIRLINE!
Now let me also state that I do not agree with our managnnt. From 1989 on we have done nothing but go bakwards. We all know what we do how hard we work.the time we have invested in our company and what is right and what is wrong. We are all at fault for trying to save jobs that are not needed. We have gotten so used to our baby spoons that we now cannot get off the tit! I am sorry if this offends anyone but if you really take a good look in the mirror you know what I am talking about. Can we go find another job where you can get paid for flying a full day for sleeping for 8 hours for flying three , or to come to work and go to sleep in the breakroom for 30 to 45 minutes. Or you come to work and pushbaxk four airplanes or dump two lavs and your day is done. We all have very good jobs for what we get paid to do.Lets not ever forget that we are her for the CUSTOMER.
We can no longer afford to be fat. We now have to put up or shut up for managments mistakes of taking on to many employees and work rules that do not benifit our bottom line. We are not the USAir on 1988 that had all the money to hire all the employees we hired. Or do we have the cash to pay all the employees asleep or watching TVs in breakrooms. Its is time to get a managment team that knows how to run an airline again. Get rid of the fat . Employees that are not productive and grow again.
I have no desire to see anyone lose their jobs. Then again I or alot of my coworkers do not want to take a pay cuts to pay for an unproductive employee and I am talking in all groups. No finger pointing here just facts and we all know that. I am just as guilty as the next employee that has ever collected a check from this company. We need new managment that knows how to run an airline and do aeay with the fat and waste we ahve kept for so long.
I know that alot of employees will not agree with what I have said tonight but sometimes the truth hurts. God luck to all of us,and also to all the retirees who built this airline. Hope we are all here another day,because I like my job. Yes I can work harder and would be more that happy to do so.,,,,,,,,but we have to put the planes in the air to malke money..........An airpkane on the ground will not make any money lets get them in the air more times a day and lerts cut the fat....as form my pics you know where I came from and we need alot more of it.
Not angry with anything you said...just don't agree.

Every employee earns what he/she receives. What is your worth? Maybe you're the fat one.

Managment must be pushed to operate an efficient airline. Getting rid of employees, as you put it..fat.. has already occured. We have 20,000 on the street.

Don't know how senior you are, but I venture to say you must be up there, otherwise, I don't think you would be squaking about getting rid of unproductive people.

The folks who will be shoved out the door, are those folks who have have been, and are productive.

The result of managements productivity changes..is to have YOU do much more, more days, for much less. And I'm sure you will capitulate. After all, that's an easy thing to do, now isn't it?

Welcome to hell! B)
And....I'm not leaving.
oh come on pitbull. "every employee earns what they deserve?" That is just what this is about. Most employees are earning more than they deserve. Very soon they will be earning what they deserve. Just cause you have alot of time with a company does not mean you deserve anything. You deserve what the market will bear. Most jobs at U are so very easily replaceable. They will keep only the skilled that they need and the rest will be unemployed. But, hey, if its not done right this time everyone will be unemployed. I sure hope you're willing to work for about 27K a year so I can keep my flight benefits.

Regards, Daybefore
View attachment 1948View attachment 1948 :up: <_< Then again I or alot of my coworkers do not want to take a pay cuts to pay for an unproductive employee and I am talking in all groups.

Who could have been upset if we had effective mgt. in these areas but, do not touch the pay? Where was the leadership in order to transform us in to an efficient team. No-- as always they took the easy route; pay and benefits. Thats why I have no faith in their abilities.
PITbull said:
Not angry with anything you said...just don't agree.

Every employee earns what he/she receives.
Welcome to hell! B)
And....I'm not leaving.
I disagree. There is fat. In the way we work, in the amount we work and in the quality of product we provide our customers. If you disagree then YOUR standards are pitifully low. Do I think all of this is the employee’s fault? No not entirely. Yes I do blame some employees work ethics and loyalty, but I blame management more for not knowing how to manage.
Please explain to me how any of this is the regular employees fault. (and this does not count Siegel either)

As far back as Ed Colodny mistakes have been made that has probably cost this company millions if not billons if you add all the blunders.

Colodny’s Blunders:

· Mirror Image, imposing US Air’s business methods upon Piedmont and PSA, instead of looking at each respective airline and adapting their successful practices. Some examples would be dismantling of the Piedmont Shuttle which accounted for 32% of Piedmont’s Gross Revenue.

· Not furthering International Service and canceling the last three 767s on order from Boeing, then realizing how much money was made serving international destinations and paying Boeing a $30 million penalty to reorder the three planes.

Schofield’s Blunders:

· Business select, $50 million on wasted seats that never worked properly and we eventually removed from the 737-200 fleet. Operation Highground.

· The IAM Mechanic and Related Strike of 1992 in which US Air lost $35 million and agreeing to pay all the pilots during our strike regardless if they flew or not.

· The hiring of Joe Gorman from United Airlines. Gorman stayed a few months then went right back to United, then United started taking us on head to head in numerous markets where we did not compete before Gorman’s tenure.

· The alliance with British Airways to infuse quick cash, but not on favorable terms to US Air, BA got more out of the alliance then we did.

Wolf and Gangwal:

· Canceling all the Boeing orders and having to pay a substantial penalty to Boeing to this day the dollar amount is not known as it was a confidential out of court settlement after Boeing sued US Airways, but it is believed to be hundreds of millions of dollars.

· Closing of three maintenance bases and trying to accomplish all the work in just three bases, which caused a backlog of airplanes awaiting “Q†and “C†checks and Mod visits. At one point you could see numerous airplanes parked in Charlotte, Pittsburgh and Tampa awaiting maintenance.

· Buying back over $1.5 billon of US Airways stock instead of using the money as operating capital or paying down debt or just having it around for a downturn.

· Selling the company to United Airlines and then for the next 14 months having no direction and running the company into the ground.

· Overreacting to the September 11th tragedy and shrinking the airline by 23% and increasing costs by putting larger airplanes on shorter routes.

Many mistakes have been made by so called corporate executives in this company and the majority of executives who made this horrible business decisions are still here. So now the hard working employees who have kept US Airways going and you can look at the Department of Transportation statistics that have us in the top tier of performance are going to be faced with major decision on concessions to try and keep this company a viable operation. Now is the time to not listen or spread rumors, use sound judgments when the FACTS are explained to you and stop pointing fingers at other workers who are out here just trying to survive and support themselves and/or their families. Many employees are writing executives saying get rid of this classification or that classification, just don’t touch what I have. I do believe a union is supposed to be about what is best for all, not one. All showing the company that we are a group that would eat our young to save ourselves accomplishes nothing positive for our membership.

Very good post. The BA agreement, Schofield had to get money up front to keep us out of BK then and he knew we would come up short on the long run but it is a similar situation now. Unfortunately, decision have to be made that negatively affect employees but I feel these guys are not going to miss any opportunties this time around and they are focused on having the lowest cost in the industry. There are many factors which you listed that contributed to our current situation and the really disgusting thing is those that made the decision/mistakes still got their money and now they could care less. We are left holding the empty bag!!!!!
700UW, That covers it all.....Now we all must suffer for what these corporate Idiots have done, or un-done over the past 15 years.
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:shock: In very many ways you are correct but we have to much dead weight and we must shed it or we will die as we are on the raod to do so. I love my job and the people I work with.But I will not or should I say fell good about taking a cut for some ssorry ass that sits on that ass.We need to get back to the basics and if it does not suit youI am sorry but get we all need to get off our buts and start to make this airline the UP And Coming Airlne......
PITbull said:
Not angry with anything you said...just don't agree.

Every employee earns what he/she receives. What is your worth? Maybe you're the fat one.

Managment must be pushed to operate an efficient airline. Getting rid of employees, as you put it..fat.. has already occured. We have 20,000 on the street.

Don't know how senior you are, but I venture to say you must be up there, otherwise, I don't think you would be squaking about getting rid of unproductive people.

The folks who will be shoved out the door, are those folks who have have been, and are productive.

The result of managements productivity changes..is to have YOU do much more, more days, for much less. And I'm sure you will capitulate. After all, that's an easy thing to do, now isn't it?

Welcome to hell! B)
And....I'm not leaving.

Daybeforecommuter said: "(You) deserve what the market will bear. Most jobs at U are so very easily replaceable."

USA320pilot comments: I agree and I do not believe in the entitlement attitude. The issue is that people are willing to work for less and are more productive than US Airways employees. This places US Airways at a competitive disadvantage, just like it would place any company at a competitive disadvantage.

Do I like the problem? No, of course not.

I strongly believe it will better to have a job while looking for a job than no job while looking for a job. Instead of fighting the cuts that keep getting worse, which was predicted by ALPA's advisors, every union should cut the best deal possible.

Then if the cuts are too severe an employee could seek new employment while they still have pay, benefits, and some retirement gains while they seek other employment.

Finally, it's even better if you're furloughed to vote for the cuts because if the company fails, there will be no severance pay, no COBRA, no recall rights, no pass privileges, and J4J opportunities when they resume.


:shock: In very many ways you are correct but we have to much dead weight and we must shed it or we will die as we are on the raod to do so. I love my job and the people I work with.But I will not or should I say fell good about taking a cut for some ssorry ass that sits on that ass.We need to get back to the basics and if it does not suit youI am sorry but get we all need to get off our buts and start to make this airline the UP And Coming Airlne......

It seems to me from your posts...you just might be the "love-my-job-dead- ass"that needs out-a-here! :angry:
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:) A320 we thiink a almost in the same manor. But we as an airline cannot survive with the work rules that we have in place at this time! We need to cowboy p for the rest of us so we can have jobs that are worht keeping.
Hell I do not want to get on an aircraft that I do not have us mech or c aot and fo that make good money . We need to do away with the bs and not take 23 % at all groups and we can make a killing! You know hwat I am talking about if you have any blue blood in you if you don't you still know what I am talking about.
I worked with people today that said they feel that it is over....I just cannot see that because we have the best group of employees that care about what we can do for us and the PAX.
We need to oust the managment team that has no idea how to make our pax happy or or emm[p;oyees happy. HAPPY employees make our pax come back.
Hell PI did it and we did away with it. We have so many sorry employees that it really makes it hard some days to come to work, then you see a fellow employee that is from are from the same mentality that we were brought up with and you think, yes there might be hope!!!!GODD KUCK TO ALL OF US THAT CARE FOR OUR AIRLINE AND THE PEOPLE THAT BUILT IT

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PITbull said:
It seems to me from your posts...you just might be the "love-my-job-dead- ass"that needs out-a-here! :angry:
And you seem like the type that says well we have earned every thing that we have gotten....SORRY but we are well paid for what we do and there are to many overlaps and if you want to defend it that is your right....but we make great money for what we do. But I do not think that we should take cuts for someone to set on their ass for 55 min out of the hour.
I still think we should be giving a full can of soda and making the PAX the most important part of our job,not our self surving motives that are posted on this board ... I have flown on SW and they have the CS that PI used to have except for the joking around. We were more professional....AS I WILL ALWAYS BE!!!!
I just hope that we can all look in the mirror and know that we have done the most for our airline and to makethe customer our first priority!!!!! :up: And be happy when all is said and done that we gave everything that we could do to keep the spirt alive!
Once again a big mouth spewing crap that he/she knows nothing about.

Res agents are watched every second of their shift. From the second they sign in to the second they sign out. Every second is accounted for. Regular breaks are timed, bathroom breaks are timed, amount of time talking on each call, time passengers are put on hold, time between calls and who they call within the company. Everything is timed and there is a specified time that each function or break should take. There is hell to pay if you fall below those given numbers and agents have been fired for less than adequate numbers.

Each agents numbers are given to them weekly and are reminded and threatened constantly if they are falling below the standard. They are monitored by supervisers, dept. heads and management from DC.

No one in that dept. sleeps or takes a couple of calls and then calls it a day. The agents are one of the lowest paid groups and one of the only groups that actually must work constantly for a full eight hours in their seat while being continually watched. A lot of people on this board say that anyone could do this "unskilled" job. Well I beg to differ. It takes a certain kind of person to do that job. A lot do not even make it through training and if they do the majority quit within a year. If, as some say, management would like to get rid of the most senior agents or all agents and replace them with kids right out of high school at slightly above minimum wage they are in for a rude awakening. They will drop like flies the first Friday night or holiday that they have to work, the first time a passenger calls them a f---ing idiot, first major ticketing or baggage problem, when they can't get a summer week vacation or a daylight shift with week ends off, etc. They will go on their lunch break and just never go back. It will be a never ending training class. That type of situation will really put US on top!

Once again...speak for yourself!