One right that a jury has and few if any judges will not instruct jurors on, and even less Americans know about is jury nullification. A jury may decide that the law sucks or for what ever other reason they decide, throw the whole case out. What ever law that the defendant was accused of breaking is still valid but the jury chose to ignore it in a particular case.
AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! Organized religion is man made and anything man made is corrupt. Its one big scam perpetrated through out the centuries by the elites to control and manipulate the masses. 'Let us take all your worth here on earth. Your reward will come when you are dead.' Its evil genious! :down:
Not sure about the rest of you but I have served on two juries. In both instances (DUI and a civil case) we knew the verdicts we 'wanted' to render but the facts presented in the case did not support that decision and we cut the DUI loose and did not hold the Insurance company 100% responsible in the 2nd case. You would be surprised how people change when they are responsible for someone else's life. People tend to do the right thing.
Bob, we would have turned you into the judge to have you removed.