Aa Employees Need To Give More! Say Kudlow & Cra


Feb 14, 2003
Did anyone catch last night's (Friday, October 10) airing of the Kudlow & Cramer financial report on MSN? The pair hosted an airline analyst and the topic was AA's return (?) to profitablity and the concomitant rise in share prices. I can never remember who is who in the duo, but the chubbier and more aggressive of the Kudlow & Cramer team went on his usual anti-union, anti-worker tirade and said AA workers haven't given enough. Our insurance is still too generous and our days off are still too frequent. The chubby aggressor went on to say that the unions are bringing down the airlines while other non-unionized airlines are thriving; the fact that Southwest is more heavily unionized than AA was conveniently omitted from his argument. When the analyst, to his credit, chimed in that AA employees (both union and non-union) gave a lot in concessions earlier this year in the spirit of cooperation, the chubby aggressor shouted him down with, "Not enough! Not enough!" The guest analyst then attempted to illustrate that AA still has no idea of a pricing strategy, market strategy, or route network strategy, and that it is experiencing this current improvement as a result of employee concessions and a fickle economy and remains subject to any economic vicissitudes. All in all, it was an interesting, if not irritating, broadcast. If anyone can get his/her hands on the transcript it would be good reading.
Art Tang
Want to see something funny? Watch agressor boy fawn over Gordon Bufoon when he's on the show.Softball questions and a palpable 'Pro-Continental' feel to the interview.

We haven't given enough in his estimation? Screw him, he makes hundreds of thousands of dollars a year being a horses ass on television,what does he know about the price of a gallon of gas for example? If he didn't see numbers from the API,he'd have no idea.
The chubby one can kiss my you know what! Maybe they should donate some big bucks out of their salaries to help AA out! We have given enough and we are not giving no more. :angry:
Don't worry folks. The TWU is working on its newest concession SCAM. These analysts will get what they want. The TWU has always given everything that AA
management wants because the ATD and the INTERNATIONAL are AA MANAGEMENT! So make sure you VOTE YES again,"to save your job".

TWU better hurry,

They wont be representing the mechanic and related group for much longer. :D
I just hope we can get rid of the TWU,before they can give away any more of what little we have left! Every day that they remain in power there is the danger of more givebacks and giveups. It's going to take a generation to undo the damage that the TWU has done to the mechanics at AA and other airlines!