AA Mechanics at MCI


Aug 20, 2002
The former TWA mechanic and related stationed at MCI needs to remember that the TWU and IAM agreed to arbitration on seniority. Whether or not any individual believes they received a fair deal is immaterial. What is important is that a decesion needs to be considered. Do you continue with the representation that brought this situation about or do want to change?
What really needs to be considered is not what happened to any individuals and their own seniority. All industrial union mechanics are victims, not a few.

What should be considered is the fact that:
AA Line - majority
AA AFW - majority
Northwest Airlines
Southwest Airlines
Alaska Airlines

Have all gone AMFA.
United Airlines is currently voting
USAIRWAYS will file for an election within the next 60 days.



AMFA Promise:
$25.00 Dues cap for Northwest Airlines employees
AMFA Fact: Dues twice hourly rate, plus assessments, no cap

AMFA Promise:
Farm-out protection
AMFA Fact:
Gave Northwest the right to farm-out AMFA work

AMFA Promise:
No layoffs
AMFA Fact:
4,500 AMFA members out of work so far

AMFA Promise:
More democracy
AMFA Fact:
AMFA declares constitutional referendum void

AMFA Promise:
Improved seniority rights
AMFA Fact:
Bidding system destroyed, saves NWA $300 million
AMFA organizers will make any promises they have to in order to gain your support. But just like a used car dealer trying to sell you a lemon, those promises are meaningless as soon as you make the deal.

Don’t Believe The Promises – Learn The Facts

"Not on my watch"----

" We have a me too clause"

"We will have a revote"

"Ironclad Language"


Just some more facts.

Do you smell that FEAR coming from the TWU?

CIO, and his boys are running scared now!
Is it even remotely possible that the AA Line Mechanics, the AA AFW Base Mechanics, the Northwest Airline Mechanics, the Southwest Airline Mechanics, the Horizon Airline Mechanics, the Mesaba Mechanics, the ATA Mechanics, the ACA Mechanics, and now the UNITED and USAIRWAYS Mechanics, ARE SOMEHOW ALL WRONG and it is only Checking it Out and the Tulsa TWU stooges that are on the right track for the future of the Aircraft Maintenance Technician Profession?


In fact, ask any Tulsa Mechanic what his/her opinion is of the intellgence level of their own co-workers in Tulsa. Each and every one asked says "Very Low" and poorly educated!

What say you about that checking it out? Are you the brain surgeon or rocket scientist that has more brain power than the collective group of mechanics listed above? Or are you just some organizer being paid to tow the party line of your own demise?

The truth is overhaul maintenance is under attack across the industry, and given the TWU track record of defending us while under attack, we can only look forward to another major failure! I want those line-mechanics on my side, not a bunch of half-wit Tulsa based stooges that cannot even give a media interview without appearing like someone straight out of the movie Deliverance!
On 6/17/2003 9:40:43 PM RV4 wrote:

I want those line-mechanics on my side, not a bunch of half-wit Tulsa based stooges that cannot even give a media interview without appearing like someone straight out of the movie Deliverance!

I''m sure that statement will bring in loads of signed cards from Tulsa! Sounds like your starting to sweat! You amfa guys better get this vote going. Amfa will soon be signing their own concessions (on top of their exsisting ones) up at NWA and thats not going to help your cause at AA!
On 6/17/2003 9:40:43 PM RV4 wrote:

Is it even remotely possible that the AA Line Mechanics, the AA AFW Base Mechanics, the Northwest Airline Mechanics, the Southwest Airline Mechanics, the Horizon Airline Mechanics, the Mesaba Mechanics, the ATA Mechanics, the ACA Mechanics, and now the UNITED and USAIRWAYS Mechanics, ARE SOMEHOW ALL WRONG and it is only Checking it Out and the Tulsa TWU stooges that are on the right track for the future of the Aircraft Maintenance Technician Profession?

Maybe we''ve had time to watch amfa in action the last 5 years at Alaska and Northwest and have seen NOTHING!!! These are horrible times for the airline industry and the trend is to outsource as much as possible. How is amfa going to protect us? They have failed miserably to protect the work they had during times of record profits! And now they''re going to help us? Please! Even amfa backers on this board will advocate outsourcing our work! And I''m supposed to help these guys as they plot to cut our throats! No thanks! I''ll stick with the devils I know thank you!!
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Are there any former TWA mechanics who have a position?
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On 6/18/2003 9:20:12 AM AAmech wrote:

On 6/17/2003 9:40:43 PM RV4 wrote:

Is it even remotely possible that the AA Line Mechanics, the AA AFW Base Mechanics, the Northwest Airline Mechanics, the Southwest Airline Mechanics, the Horizon Airline Mechanics, the Mesaba Mechanics, the ATA Mechanics, the ACA Mechanics, and now the UNITED and USAIRWAYS Mechanics, ARE SOMEHOW ALL WRONG and it is only Checking it Out and the Tulsa TWU stooges that are on the right track for the future of the Aircraft Maintenance Technician Profession?

Maybe we've had time to watch amfa in action the last 5 years at Alaska and Northwest and have seen NOTHING!!!    These are horrible times for the airline industry and the trend is to outsource as much as possible.  How is amfa going to protect us?   They have failed miserably to protect the work they had during times of record profits!  And now they're going to help us?  Please!  Even amfa backers on this board will advocate outsourcing our work!  And I'm supposed to help these guys as they plot to cut our throats!  No thanks!  I'll stick with the devils I know thank you!!

And we have seen the TWU in action since 1983 "B-Scale" concessions every contract. TWU has the lowest average paid mechanics in this industry. You are fond of looking to Northwest or Alaska etc.. You should be looking at your own union and what they have accomplished, nothing. In fact the sister union; the IAM, another industrial union has now laid off most of their mechanic work force. AMFA represented mechanics are the highest paid in the industry. Even those formerly represented by the Teamsters have opted for better representation in their craft.

No, AMFA backers on this board would favor contractual guarantees on the farm out issue. Issues that are voted on by the full membership. The TWU has had a "jobs" program since 1983. The more dues payers we can keep  the better the airline will operate?

The definition of a union below is from the AFL-CIO:

"A union is a group of workers who come together to win respect on the job, better wages and benefits, more flexibility for work and family needs and a voice in improving the quality of their products and services. Workers in unions counter-balance the unchecked power of employers."

The TWU on the other hand degrades the respect, lowers wages and benefits, increases tension in families, has silenced the worker at the international level and destroyed moral. The TWU has not counter-blanced anything, they participate in whatever the company wants to do.

You cut your fellow members throats everyday.

The IAM has performed well:

Seniority Rights comparisons AMFA vs. IAM
IAM/UAL AMTS REDUCED by 6000 or 50%
AMFA/NWA AMTS reduced by 2500 or 25%

We all realize the importance of seniority, everyday counts. The time you invest in working with the company is rewarded by your seniority. Seniority allows you to bid work locations, shift and vacation preference. Other benefits similar to seniority would be longevity pay like the AMFA represented Southwest mechanics who receive 10 cents a year longevity. Your seniority allows you to retain employment during layoffs with the right to displace junior employees, with bumping rights your seniority allows you to pick the positions you are qualified to fill.

Here is a comparison of two maintenance bases closing displacing AMTs. One represented by AMFA one represented by the IAM. This should clearly show which union supports its members.

Each mechanic is guaranteed the right to exercise his or her seniority to displace junior amts by a preference bid.


The IAM AGC Ray Horgan announces the IMC layoff will follow the guidelines established in a 1982 letter of agreement that is no longer in the Mechanics and Related contract. The most senior AMT will bump the most junior AMT on the system and so on.., with no preference bids.

With the IAM 35 years of seniority is worthless if you CANNOT preference bid.
You must choose every location offered or you may be furloughed. Is it any surprise that
only 200 AMTs out of 1200 in Indy took the bids. ASK the guys from INDY!

The IAM failed to protect even the most basic rights of its mechanic membership. This is just another example of why we need AMFA representation.

Only the IAM stores personnel in Indy were allowed to preference bid out of Indy.

[sub]The IAM would have negotiated away more than the AMFA and if you really think the TWU is going to save your profession then you have been under a rock for the past 18 years. The TWU has negotiated concession after concession FACT. You must stop watching Star Wars the Jedi mind trick of the TWU has you brainwashed. Sign a card and stop the status quo[/sub]
At this point in time we at American are doing WAY more work in house than NW. Its much easier to negotiate a pay increase than it is to bring work "in-house" that the company is already doing cheaper outside!