I miss the old AA.The airline that had courteous employees and time to give personal service to the customers.The modern airline is structured so that customers cannot receive personal service.You are expected to do your own check-in at a computer terminal,then rushed through the security checkpoint.Your are herded on the aircraft,stuffed into the long metal tube,and then rushed of the aircraft at the next stop.Then you have to go across the airport to another terminal in a computer train to make your connection,and if you are fortunate you might have 45 minutes to do all of this.Hurry,Hurry,Hurry!Who in the hell thinks this the way to win over customers and keep them long term?The structure of the modern airline business will not allow personal service contact with the passengers.It won''t be long until all functions will be performed by computers and the passenger will not experience any human contact.I miss the days of 62% load factors and record profits.The F/A''s had time to provide food and beverage service and then took time to visit with the passengers.This was the real AA.