Aero-News Quote Of The Day (12.31.05)


Nov 16, 2005
"To start with, these things are EX-pensive. What happened to the idea of "affordable flying?" I've looked at the planes Dad digs, from the Sting to the Mermaid to the Flight Designs CT (above). The price of entry is EIGHTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. That's affordable compared to what -- a Cirrus? For eighty grand you can buy two Cessna 172s or about 1 2/3 Piper Warriors used... of course, you can't fly them with the Sport license, but we're talking a larger plane with a proven safety record. I mean, if these things are built like a set of wax wings they ought to be priced that way, too." Source: The legendary Icarus, of Greek mythology (seriously), as channelled by ANN's own Kevin "Hognose" O'Brien, on the ages-old dichotomy of the Light Sport Aircraft choices available so far: they're lightweight, economical, and supposedly assembled with far fewer components than heavier aircraft -- so why are the things still so blasted expensive?