Alpa Mec Meeting Update - Aug 29 11:45 P.m.


May 18, 2003
Tonight's MEC meeting was very heated and chaos broke out. In fact, a member of the NC confronted the RC4 and told them "they were set up" and "lied to" by the RC4. The RC4 are still about $80 million short of the company's target.

At this point, it appears the RC4 will not reach an agreement with the company and that ALPA will enter bankruptcy with no deal.

The meeting adjourned with no action taken and will reconvene tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. at the Key Bridge Marriott. I encourage every pilot to attend the meeting. To get to the hotel fly to DCA then take the Metro Blue Line north to the Rosslyn station. Then walk one block north.

Separately, Bruce Lakefield told the NC earlier today "they are preparing for the worse. He understands the politics and wishes us all good luck."


Your post certainly does not represent what I read on the Pilot's only page. The MEC posted ALPA's counter proposal without commentary.

Also, I read on the ALPA message board that there were 3 pilots in attendance at yesterday's MEC meeting. The title of the thread is 4 angry men. The pilot who initiated the thread who was in attendance and when confronted by other posters stated he never said the reps from PIT and PHL were angry. Someone reminded him of the thread title and a tap dance followed.

Wouldn't it be beneficial to just present the facts without commentary and allow people to judge the issues on his/her own?
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I did. Why don't you find out and post what Mike Abram and Don Hollerbach told the RC4 tonight. Furthermore, stop misrepresenting information.

By the way, am I going to see you at the MEC meeting tomorrow?


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P.S. I have no idea what you are talking about in regard to 4 angry men, except that probably refers to the RC4. By the way, John Crocker did not show up and Ira Josephson holds his proxy.


In reference to the "4 Angry Men" I was referencing a thread on ALPA's message board. The responses from the pilots to the initiator of the thread ranged from the initiator's comments were exaggerations all the way to implying he wets the bed.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by misrepresenting information. Please explain and I will respond appropriately.

Will I be at the meeting tomorrow? I don't know, how are the flights booked? I think you need to know that I am senior to you and if the flight is full you might be left behind.
mlt said:
Will I be at the meeting tomorrow? I don't know, how are the flights booked? I think you need to know that I am senior to you and if the flight is full you might be left behind.

Do you suppose that will change the exaggerations of alleged
death threats? :shock:
I read your pm. Why would I identify myself to you? I am attempting to have a reasonable discussion. Why not discuss the issues and leave the commentary aside? The pilots on the ALPA message board do not share your opinion of the MEC meeting. Additionally, these same pilots do not share your view on what constitutes an acceptable tentative agreement.

The information is there for you to read. What have I misrepresented?
He wants to know who you are to narc on you to management since he thinks he is a member of them.
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Why will you not identify your self in a PM? Scared?

In regard to the ALPA Message Board, only the malcontents post there and the ALPA EIS Committee has suspended all ALPA message board activity because of its decorum.

Only about 15 to 20 pilots post on that board on any given day and there are very few users according to the ALPA Communications Committee.

There are a number of yahoogroups where the pilot group participates that are respectful, thoughtful forums, which are now used versus the ALPA forum.

I will say it again for the last time. The ALPA president, US Airways ALPA Board member, MEC Chairman, MEC Vice-chairman, MEC Secretary/Treasurer, ALPA Bankruptcy Counsel, ALPA Legal Counsel, ALPA Contract Administer (also an attorney), ALPA's Financial Advisor, and the majority of the MEC Reps (8 total) all disagree with the RC4's position.

Moreover, each of these men have told the RC4 in open session that we can get a better deal, but the only thing the RC4 are focused on is the DC Plan.

The parties are around $80 million apart and every MEC person listed above believes the pilot's can obtain a better deal, but tomorrow is the last day to reach an agreement and send the TA out to the membership to be ratified by the September 10 ALPA voting deadline, which is the Friday before the mid-September bankruptcy filing David Bronner indicated to the news media.

By the way, even members of the NC are now speaking out against the RC4 and one NC member called the RC4 "liars".


USA320Pilot said:

Why will you not identify your self in a PM? Scared?

And this coming from a poster who changed his name because YOU ARE SCARED.

Why don't you tell the board your old screen name?
What a very intresting week ahead...the IAM thing, ALPA going head to head with each other. Hmmm, where is my popcorn and soda?