American Reaches Deal with Fleet Workers

From the TWU website:

The Joint Bargaining Committee has reached a tentative agreement covering TWU represented Fleet Service Workers. This agreement is subject to a number of conditions, including negotiation of an acceptable equity stake in the Company on behalf of all TWU members. Details will be made available after the full Joint Committee has resolved these issues, agreed to acceptable language, and tentative agreements on the other six agreements are reached.

Joint Negotiation Committee
On 3/27/2003 5:29:51 PM eolesen wrote:

From the TWU website:

The Joint Bargaining Committee has reached a tentative agreement covering TWU represented Fleet Service Workers. This agreement is subject to a number of conditions, including negotiation of an acceptable equity stake in the Company on behalf of all TWU members. Details will be made available after the full Joint Committee has resolved these issues, agreed to acceptable language, and tentative agreements on the other six agreements are reached.

Joint Negotiation Committee

An agreement with such conditions and not yet voted on is not really an agreement at all. It is more like a pipe dream! A pipe with crack in it at that!
On 3/27/2003 9:15:44 PM eolesen wrote:

Since you''re against it, it will probably pass by a pretty wide margin...



"OUCH" !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Methinks that this TORPEDO(Management/Ch-11), is going to SCRAPE the WHOLE length of the SUBMARINE(The Workers)as it continues on It''s way "WITHOUT EXPLODING",and hones in on a different target( Another Airline).

Gentlemen, Your thoughts please.

On 3/27/2003 9:36:12 PM NewHampshire Black Bears wrote:

Methinks that this TORPEDO(Management/Ch-11), is going to SCRAPE the WHOLE length of the SUBMARINE(The Workers)as it continues on It''s way "WITHOUT EXPLODING",and hones in on a different target( Another Airline).

Gentlemen, Your thoughts please.




In this gentleman''s VHO, the best thing for both the company and the management would be to get the concessions agreed and done with from the labor side, file the bankruptcy TO GET RELIEF from the creditors (and not screw the employees) and get the flooding contained and try to right his badly listing ship.

I think there are going to be a lot of opportunities for this airline to grow and prosper if all the Scottys down in the engine room (rank and filers) and the Captains Kirk up on the bridge (management) can keep us from flying apart.

Like I always say, TANSTAAFL. We all have to give if we want to get...
TWA''s 2nd BK was a pre-packaged deal. Everything signed and sealed. We went right in and right back out. Just wondering if AA might try the same thing.
One thing is wrong with your opinion. Suppose we give AA everything they want, they still file bankruptcy and, like United, they ask the Judge for further cuts and possible abbrogate all labor agreements.

In this gentleman''s VHO, I think AA is out to break the unions.
I know management is always seen as being out to screw labor, but remember that there's a lot more that needs to be taken care on the cost side of things than just labor. There's also $12B in debt, lease rates on aircraft, aircraft purchases, and other long-term committments (like the arena deals everyone likes to #### about) that AA may or may not be able to restructure outside of bankruptcy.

The pre-packaged plan is the approach Hawaiian appears to be taking. They've already negotiated their labor costs, but couldn't get the non-labor costs in line (specifically, aircraft leases).

Contrast that with the current events at UAL and US -- their employees are still fighting the company, and that's what the investors focus on. US Airways might still pull out of it, assuming the rank and file pilots agree with gutting their pension plan.

Given a choice of investing your money, would you choose the company who was able to come to an agreement with their unions, or the one who is still trying to keep full pay to the last day?

My money is on the unions reaching agreements with the company and AA inevitably going to the bankruptcy courts to to get further cuts. If they go to the courts now, we're at the highest wage and benefits and workrule levels where they start to cut. But if AA succeeds in raping us, they can still get further cuts at the lowest wage and benefit and workrule levels to start at.
On 3/28/2003 7:47:05 AM Hopeful wrote:

But if AA succeeds in raping us,
You''re screwed no matter what happens from this point on.

The question is, do you accept BubbAA or move to a new cell?

I think you''ll choose BubbAA.

The bottom line is he''s locked up with you anyway. Do you really want to take a chance on a new cellmate? Is it safer out there?

AMR will get their ducks in order (for all their wrangling the Pilots have the most to lose, they''ll sign on today) ( FA''s just didn''t want to be first to sign, but they will by tomorrow ) and avoid BK.

The Hill will respond to the Canadian CEO''s lobby, UAL will fold.

And BubbAA and you will live happily ever after.
On 3/28/2003 6:43:13 AM Hopeful wrote:

One thing is wrong with your opinion. Suppose we give AA everything they want, they still file bankruptcy and, like United, they ask the Judge for further cuts and possible abbrogate all labor agreements.

My idea may be wrong, but my opinion is my opinion and can then neither be wrong or right. But, I''ll not quibble semantics...

I don''t know if you''ve read the TWU-ATD Director''s message from the 26th, but I will sum it up for you, becasue I think they are calling it right (yeah, yeah, kool-aid, blah blah. Prove them and me wrong, and I''ll admit it.).

AA is going to get these cuts one way or the other. In my VHO, I think it would be more beneficial for the employees to at least TRY to protect themselves as much as is possible. Can those agreements get thrown out? Yes, they can as United is proving. But I would rather take the chance that the judge would not uphold the agreements than not have the agreements in the first place.

An sword can cut through armor, but it cuts through skin a lot more easily...

On 3/28/2003 6:43:13 AM Hopeful wrote:

In this gentleman''s VHO, I think AA is out to break the unions.


Excuse me for saying this, DUH!!!!

What unionized company''s management would not be a lot happier without the unions?
