Amfa Striker Support Fund

TWU informer

Nov 4, 2003

AMFA National has now created the NWA/AMFA Striker Support Account

LINK to AMFA Striker Support Fund

There is a PayPal option or and address to send donations for support.

We cannot all walk the picket lines, but financial and moral support is the least we can offer.

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The obstacle to legacy carrier survival is over capacity not union labor contracts.

I am tired of the media and the analyst blaming labor.

Reduce capacity, raise prices, and make a profit.

Simple supply and demand economics in a Capitalist Society.

The rich want a two class society and so they escalate their desire to supress the middle class.

I am glad there has finally been a start of a labor revolt against working middle class attacks. Too bad ALL UNIONS in this country cannot see the need to stand with AMFA Mechanics and end these attack in a nation wide demonstration that would last less than 24 hours before the rich, the politicans, and the stock analyst would cease with there anti-middle class rhetoric and beg for an end to the chaos.

What the hell good is the motto of strength in numbers if there never is even a small attempt to use that strength?

American workers are so greedy and self centered they apparently cannot see this simple solution to the downward spiral of the middle class standard of living.

Where is the union leadership of these so-called protectors of the great middle class?

Has the leadership of the union organization become the rich also, and therefore they will no longer risk there standard of living to protect the lowly dues payers?

I am sick to my stomach that the rich man is making fools out of organized labor in the media while the leaders sit by and do absolutely nothing.

Organized labor in the USA should be re-named to "The great bluff". And the rich man is calling the hand!

Everything is now on the line workers of the middle class? What is your next move?
I have purchased 50 NWA AMFA AMT Support buttons. I have had flight crews, (both pilot, f/o & F/As), Ticket Agents & Supervisors buy these buttons. I have sold some to other airline AMTs as well. Since I received these buttons yesterday I am sure the remaining buttons will go fast.

My point is that the times have changed. Airline work groups are realizing that an attack on one labor group is sure to follow to another, and another. The twu says they will not work on struck work where AA is on-call maintenance for NWA. The twu says that they do not represent Swissport scabs working on NWA a/c.

I, along with other AA AMTs are walking side by side NWA AMTs everyday and I see support growing each day. As the NWA crews get off their shuttle rides we inform them that they are NEXT and add, "Have a safe trip." It is finally sinking in.

To whoever came up with the idea and production of these support buttons I applaud your vision. It is support like this that will enable our profession & labor as a whole to hopefully come together and stand against this wave of evil attacking not only our industry but middle class America.

Seeing these buttons worn by all airline labor groups will help send a message to corporate America. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
TWU informer said:
Has the leadership of the union organization become the rich also, and therefore they will no longer risk there standard of living to protect the lowly dues payers?I am sick to my stomach that the rich man is making fools out of organized labor in the media while the leaders sit by and do absolutely nothing.
Organized labor in the USA should be re-named to "The great bluff". And the rich man is calling the hand!
Everything is now on the line workers of the middle class? What is your next move?

BINGO!!!!!!! I've been saying that for almost a month now. You people have the right idea you just have shitty leaders in you unions. Plus you have to many unions. All the old unions with their tyrant leaders are going to have to fail. A new union without the corrupt bastards running it, every politician and company executive holding their hands out for your money. AMFA is broke and they are going to leave these guys standing in the cold while they laugh all the way to the bank. If you guys were smart you all would leave AMFA right now. Talk about reaping some havoc, go on strike against AMFA. They have every one pissed off at Northwest management because the company is broke. At least Northwest went broke while they were giving you guys a paycheck. You guys have been giving AMFA part of your paycheck for years and their broke. I bet every time AMFA got you a raise your dues went up. The companies didn't divide the unions the unions divided the unions. You guys belong to two different companies one just pays you for your time while the other one takes your money. You guys are sitting here screaming unity but you cant even unify. The other unions are now going to be scared to do anything so for the next 10 to 15 years all you poor saps are going to continue paying your union dues and every month your leaders are going to laugh all the way to the bank with your money then they are going to blow it all. You think I'm a scab YOU ARE ALL SCABS TO EACH OTHER AND SLAVES TO THE UNIONS!! You sad sad fools.
keeptheodds said:
BINGO!!!!!!! I've been saying that for almost a month now. You people have the right idea you just have shitty leaders in you unions. Plus you have to many unions. All the old unions with their tyrant leaders are going to have to fail.  A new union without the corrupt bastards running it, every politician and company executive holding their hands out for your money. AMFA is broke and they are going to leave these guys standing in the cold while they laugh all the way to the bank. If you guys were smart you all would leave AMFA right now. Talk about reaping some havoc, go on strike against AMFA. They have every one pissed off at Northwest management because the company is broke. At least Northwest went broke while they were giving you guys a paycheck. You guys have been giving AMFA part of your paycheck for years and their broke. I bet every time AMFA got you a raise your dues went up. The companies didn't divide the unions the unions divided the unions. You guys belong to two different companies one just pays you for your time while the other one takes your money. You guys are sitting here screaming unity but you cant even unify. The other unions are now going to be scared to do anything so for the next 10 to 15 years all you poor saps are going to continue paying your union dues and every month your leaders are going to laugh all the way to the bank with your money then they are going to blow it all. You think I'm a scab YOU ARE ALL SCABS TO EACH OTHER AND SLAVES TO THE UNIONS!! You sad sad fools.

How do you feel about management still reaping the bonuses and stock options while claiming they need over $1.1 billion in savings!

You scabs never mention that the company managment rapes ALL its workers, union and non union alike.

Have they outsourced any of their management jobs?

Remember, the airline industry is a cyclical industry.

Eastern Airlines workers were on strike for over 18 months and eventually EAL folded with an ALL SCAB WORKFORCE!

It's amazing alot of you NWA scabs were EAL scabs.

Goes to show that you lowlife scab scum sucking pieces of human feces could never get hired during the normal application process during normal times!

May everyone of you scabs have your wives porked by even lower forms of life than yourselves while you are away from home. While you are walking around aircraft and gazing at them like they are alien spacecraft, I hope your wives are getting plowed by animals who have your wives' legs pinned behind their ears like bugs bunny!

I apologize to the scum of the earth for equating them to scabs!
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keeptheodds said:
AMFA is broke and they are going to leave these guys standing in the cold while they laugh all the way to the bank. If you guys were smart you all would leave AMFA right now. Talk about reaping some havoc, go on strike against AMFA. They have every one pissed off at Northwest management because the company is broke. At least Northwest went broke while they were giving you guys a paycheck. You guys have been giving AMFA part of your paycheck for years and their broke. I bet every time AMFA got you a raise your dues went up.

SO tell us wise one,

How is it that everyone is "BROKE", and yet they "Laugh All the Way to the Bank"?

Your postings have no logic, and are about as witless as they come.

You remind me of Steve Connell from TWA/MCI

A broke person or organization laughing all the way to the bank, ranks right up there with top 10 oxymorons ever presented.
Hopeful said:
How do you feel about management still reaping the bonuses and stock options while claiming they need over $1.1 billion in savings!

You scabs never mention that the company managment rapes ALL its workers, union and non union alike.

I have been through my share of layoffs due incompetent management. I don’t care much for most of them either. One fight at a time Hopeful one fight at a time.
TWU informer said:
SO tell us wise one,
How is it that everyone is "BROKE", and yet they "Laugh All the Way to the Bank"?

AMFA isn’t laughing all the way to the bank. Your hero-leader Dell is, you know the guy you worship so much. Yea that guy he’s got your money.
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keeptheodds said:
AMFA isn’t laughing all the way to the bank. Your hero-leader Dell is, you know the guy you worship so much. Yea that guy he’s got your money.

Meanwhile, the TWU took 17.5% of my pay, 5 Paid Holidays, 5 Paid Vacation Days, 1/2 Pay Sick Days, and Medical Premium Increases that are worse than fuel prices.

Who is laughing all the way to bank on those negotiations?

You are such a bitter person, I hope you get better soon.

I suppose you think AMFA should agreed to allow 50% of the current membership be laid-off, and a 26% paycut for those left? Then you would be posting negative remarks about the concessions Dell negotiated.

One big difference remains throughout all of this.

AMFA members decide their own fate.

TWU members fate is dictated via without further ratification sell outs.

You know something, I really don't mind my Union Leader getting paid well as long I have a say in the union affairs and direction. It is the dictator paycheck that really gripes my ass.
AMFA was trapped in a catch-22. They had no way out, if they gave in to concessions they looked like a weak union if they struk they could save some face but that put their members at risk of loosing their jobs. They failed to investigate how well Northwest was prepared for this event. Now the members are in real trouble, instead of giving in to concessions where everything was done in an organized manner they struck. Instead of half of them losing a job they are all out of one with out the benefits of medical insurances being carried over or severance pay or unemployment benefits. Did I mention I get unemployment benefits when this is over?

AMFA told those guys that Northwest was training a hand full of scabs down there and each one of us were getting a couple of weeks worth of training.

Each person here got two months or better of training.
Each person here has a valid FAA A&P certificate.
Each person passed a mandated drug test.
Each person had a 10-year background check done.
Each person was active in the aviation industry the past 2 years.
The average person has around 12 years of experience.

AMFA lied to its members before the strike vote. They didn't give the members the proper information to make a sound vote. All because Dell had a boner for Steenland. YOU GUYS ARE CLUELESS.
keeptheodds said:
Each person here got two months or better of training.

Two WHOLE months? They must have given you guys mechanical pencils to do your pencil-whipping and had to train you.

Each person here has a valid FAA A&P certificate.

Some of them are even in their own names!

Each person passed a mandated drug test.

At least once in their lives.

Each person had a 10-year background check done.

Sounds like identity theft pays off!

Each person was active in the aviation industry the past 2 years.

A few were even mechanics!

The average person has around 12 years of experience.

And an IQ of 12 as well!

I spoke with an NWA pilot recently, he said that repeat write-up MELs were increasing as the scabs pencil-whipped the original ones off and the crews discovered the problems never got fixed. Good luck with the FAA hearing KTO, I'm sure NWA will stand behind you all the way!