An Early Push On Fall Sales By Airlines


May 18, 2003
An Early Push on Fall Sales by Airlines

NEW YORK (Times) - he airline industry was already dreading the prospect that a strong summer for air travel would wither by Labor Day. Now, an aggressive and unusually early round of fare sales by the low-cost carriers is threatening to wipe out any chance of profits for the industry in the autumn.

See Story


Just bought one at so I know this for a fact:

PIT-FLL-PIT Round trip end of September

98 bucks plus tax.

Total cost - $118.00

Airtran flies PIT-FLL too. But you have to change jets in ATL. The best price on their website was a total cost of $135.00. That's with a plane change in ATL.

Is there any sanity at all in Crystal City? Anyone? Hello................ Someone please call Bellview in New York and send them to pick up the insane who work in CCY. We can't even price our product correctly much less operate the airline efficiently. Folks, this is NOT an LCC problem. This is a management problem.

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More financial pressure for US Airways

See Story

The sharks are circling the bleeding company.


How can we possibly survive with such low fares ?
Only the strongest (financially) airlines can weather out these fare wars and we are not one of them. :(
usair_begins_with_u said:
Its insanity... there is no legitimate reason to file fares that cheap. Airlines need a cut back in capacity big time.
If everyone is at 85% load factor, capacity isn't the problem. Cut back, and you just hand-over more growth opportunities to B6 and SW.
And something of the other side of the story.....

US airlines slash fall fares early, worry Wall St.
Tuesday July 13, 1:01 pm ET
By Jui Chakravorty

NEW YORK, July 13 (Reuters) - U.S. airlines are cutting fall prices earlier than usual this year, launching a fare war that some Wall Street analysts say will squeeze profits more tightly at low-cost carriers than at their larger rivals.



ps - I have heard it said that an "expert" is not necessarily someone who knows more than most people, he/she is just someone that gets quoted more than most people.

Food for thought....