An Open Letter from Capt. Prater to all AAA and AWA Pilots


May 8, 2007
Dear Fellow Pilot,
When I last wrote to you about the actions of the Executive Council on the seniority award, I promised to keep you informed on further developments. Before I discuss the ongoing work of the Rice Committee, I need to address another serious issue the threat of union replacement by East pilots.

I want to make it clear to you how much would be lost if, as some have advocated, US Airways pilots change union representation. You may be surprised at how deep and far-reaching the effects of such a change would be for every pilot. I can attest to it personally. Thousands of Continental and FedEx pilots went down that path and returned to ALPA because we learned the hard way how little can be gained, or held, through such a change.

Accusations by East pilots that “ALPA sold me out on my pay, pension, working conditions, and, now, seniority†disregard what ALPA’s professional expertise has been able, or has attempted, to achieve for US Airways pilots. Examples include:

•Secured 35.8 percent aggregate pay increases (40.8 percent for A330 pilots) in 2001/2002 under the “parity plus 1%†provision negotiated in the 1997 contract.
•Assisted the MEC in developing a target defined contribution plan in 2003 that, at the time, provided 27 percent of pay in average contributions and up to 100 percent of pay for some. This was made necessary by your MEC’s agreeing with management’s demand to terminate the pilot DB plan as a prerequisite for the airline to exit bankruptcy.
•Spearheaded exhaustive efforts to enact pension legislation that would have restored funding of the DB plan. While that legislation gained 103 cosponsors, it failed due to tepid support from US Airways management and outright opposition from the administration. We will continue to fight for a new version of the Akaka amendment, to increase your PBGC benefits significantly.

A key issue that some pilots are purposely misstating to further their own agenda is that decertifying ALPA will enable the East pilots to escape the impact of the seniority award. A new union would almost certainly inherit the existing collective bargaining agreements, including the transition agreement and seniority award, and would have to get the company to agree to reject the award. If the company became a reluctant partner in this effort, both the new union and the company would invite immediate and endless litigation by West pilots. The new union would likely spend the first years of its existence, and a major share of its limited resources, defending itself in court, and not pursuing enhancements to the CBA. A loss in court would expose that union and its members to crippling damages awards.

Rather than focus on decertification and its destructive results, we must focus on addressing the needs of the US Airways pilots – East and West – through collective bargaining. The post-bankruptcy bargaining cycle that ALPA is now coordinating is already in full swing and will provide substantial gains in pay, benefits, and work rules for all US Airways pilots when completed – just as it will for other ALPA pilots. More specific information about the contract changes already achieved in your negotiations, and ALPA’s collective bargaining strategy, will be the subject of upcoming reports.

The Rice Committee continues to work with both MECs and negotiating committees and the Joint Negotiating Committee to forge creative solutions to all of the problems we are facing. I am directing the Rice Committee to communicate clearly to you the substantial gains in pay, retirement, work rules, and job security that can be obtained in the near term through negotiations with your management. The focus of the Committee’s work is to forge consensual solutions that provide both career advancement and protection and guarantee real economic gain for all US Airways families – and to do so as soon as possible. No one underestimates the difficulty of finding such solutions in the face of strongly held, divergent views, and no one underestimates the importance of this work to the future of all pilots.

During the week of August 20, members of the Executive Council, members of the Rice Committee, and I will meet with US Airways and America West pilots at several US Airways domiciles. Dates and locations of these visits are listed at the end of this letter. We are planning, and will soon communicate to you, the schedule for visits to America West domiciles (Phoenix and Las Vegas) in early September. We want to hear your concerns, and we want to discuss with you the work that ALPA and all pilots have accomplished together for our profession. We look forward to seeing you soon.
In Unity,

Capt. John Prater, President
Date Domicile Location Time
Mon 8/20 LGA Food Court – US Airways Terminal 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
Tue 8/21 DCA Cosí (outside security – no union activities inside terminals) 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
Wed 8/22 BOS Legal Seafood Café – Terminal B (inside security) 10:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
Thu 8/23 CLT Chili’s – Atrium (inside security) 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
Tue 8/28 PIT TGI Fridays – Concourse A (near crewroom) 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
Wed 8/29 PHL TGI Friday’s – B/C Connector 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
For the life of me I cannot figure out how the pilots group is not DOH
It is not the fault of any pilot when another gets hired no matter what airline.

How can you punish a guy who was born before you and started working long before you even graduated high school.
For the life of me I cannot figure out how the pilots group is not DOH
It is not the fault of any pilot when another gets hired no matter what airline.

How can you punish a guy who was born before you and started working long before you even graduated high school.
Because Doc, each side brought with the the seniority they held at their respective airline and you need to respect that. Add to that the fact (as stated in the award) that AAA was financially weaker and the career expectations of east pilots was non-existant, and you get what we call the Nicolau Award. Its not the West's fault that the east guys hitched their wagons to a financially weak airline.

So DOH was never an option.

And remember, Nicolau was assisted by two pilot neutrals, one chosen by each side and Nicolau agreed to by both. And, for some reason, the east thinks he's crazy now. Hmmm.

The east just couldn't figure it out.
Because Doc, each side brought with the the seniority they held at their respective airline and you need to respect that. Add to that the fact (as stated in the award) that AAA was financially weaker and the career expectations of east pilots was non-existant, and you get what we call the Nicolau Award. Its not the West's fault that the east guys hitched their wagons to a financially weak airline.

So DOH was never an option.

And remember, Nicolau was assisted by two pilot neutrals, one chosen by each side and Nicolau agreed to by both. And, for some reason, the east thinks he's crazy now. Hmmm.

The east just couldn't figure it out.

Do you really believe the Pilots will ever work under the Nicolau List? I mean as one group anyway. Seems the West just can't figure the answer to that one out!
•Secured 35.8 percent aggregate pay increases (40.8 percent for A330 pilots) in 2001/2002 under the “parity plus 1%â€￾ provision negotiated in the 1997 contract.
•Assisted the MEC in developing a target defined contribution plan in 2003 that, at the time, provided 27 percent of pay in average contributions and up to 100 percent of pay for some. This was made necessary by your MEC’s agreeing with management’s demand to terminate the pilot DB plan as a prerequisite for the airline to exit bankruptcy.
•Spearheaded exhaustive efforts to enact pension legislation that would have restored funding of the DB plan. While that legislation gained 103 cosponsors, it failed due to tepid support from US Airways management and outright opposition from the administration. We will continue to fight for a new version of the Akaka amendment, to increase your PBGC benefits significantly.
Wow, look at everything ALPA has done for you east guys. And you want to decertify?!?!

For the life of me I cannot figure out how the pilots group is not DOH
It is not the fault of any pilot when another gets hired no matter what airline.

How can you punish a guy who was born before you and started working long before you even graduated high school.

For 60 years, that is how pilot mergers were conducted within ALPA. That is how the vast majority of other unions conduct mergers. That is how seniority is determined in-house to this day, AWA pilot group included.

But alas, ALPA changed it's merger policy in the '90's under pressure from one or two pilot groups. DOH was removed as the primary yardstick. In it's place was substituted a vague, ambiguous recipe which could be interpreted ten different ways depending on your point of view.

I call it the aribitrator make-work project.
For the life of me I cannot figure out how the pilots group is not DOH
It is not the fault of any pilot when another gets hired no matter what airline.

How can you punish a guy who was born before you and started working long before you even graduated high school.

"Get something for nothing" would be everyone's motto if they could get away with it. Get someone else to do it for you in the name of "justice, apple pie, and the Amerikan dream" would be the ultimate "cake and eat it too" scenario.
Go ask the former Empire Pilots what ALPA did to them during the Piedmont Merger, there was not DOH hire used, they were penalized the minute they came off the F28, they lost their seniority.

So dont tell me ALPA used DOH for 60 years.

Mainline PI screwed the Empire Pilots and AAA did not rectify the situation when PI and US merged.
Dear Fellow Pilot,.. Before I discuss the ongoing work of the Rice Committee, I need to address another serious issue the threat of union replacement by East pilots.

John, all us dear fellow pilots hold you real dear too. All the best.
Gotta give Prater credit for having cahones. Meeting with the pilots to sell them some promises of a better contract without addressing the merged list takes a giant set. For his sake, I hope he brings body guards.
•Secured 35.8 percent aggregate pay increases (40.8 percent for A330 pilots) in 2001/2002 under the “parity plus 1%â€￾ provision negotiated in the 1997 contract.

The GAG'ers love to tout how they and their boy Butkovic got the East this huge pay raise with "Parity plus 1%". The truth is, "Parity plus 1%" was a concession at the time, that happened to come back and bite Stephen Wolf in the arse; and we all know the East MEC and NC at the time never met a concession they didn't love.

It was really the UAL and DAL pilots that got the East pilots that raise, by standing up to their managements with a perfectly legal by-the-book operation, while putting greed aside and not flying overtime -- both of those concepts are absolutely foreign to East pilots.

If Prater is trying to use "Parity plus 1%" -- the rates of which the East pilots saw in exactly one paycheck -- as an example of what a great job ALPA has done for the East, he's really grasping at straws.

•Assisted the MEC in developing a target defined contribution plan in 2003 that, at the time, provided 27 percent of pay in average contributions and up to 100 percent of pay for some. This was made necessary by your MEC’s agreeing with management’s demand to terminate the pilot DB plan as a prerequisite for the airline to exit bankruptcy.

And the GAG'ers wasted no time in giving that away, as well. The DC contributions are now a pittance. And many of the same people who have been giving away the store for years still hold high ALPA positions.

Sorry, John. You'll have to do a lot better than that to save Beebe's "phoney baloney" job.
Because Doc, each side brought with the the seniority they held at their respective airline and you need to respect that. Add to that the fact (as stated in the award) that AAA was financially weaker and the career expectations of east pilots was non-existant, and you get what we call the Nicolau Award. Its not the West's fault that the east guys hitched their wagons to a financially weak airline.

So DOH was never an option.

And remember, Nicolau was assisted by two pilot neutrals, one chosen by each side and Nicolau agreed to by both. And, for some reason, the east thinks he's crazy now. Hmmm.

The east just couldn't figure it out.

Our career expectations changed in 2005 when the merger was announced. At that moment it became a new paradigm, both for the East as well as the West.

Prior to that event the East pilots certainly did have career expectations, otherwise we would have been jumping ship en masse. But most of us did not because we felt we would survive. Many felt a merger was a strong possibility since we had shed so much of our costs in two bankruptcies. Our career expectations were based on attrition. Nicolau took those expectations away.

You and I are pilots. We are members of a pilot's union, and the financial condition of our respective companies prior to the merger does not and should not have any bearing on how the two lists are integrated. Nicolau decided otherwise. This is the result.
ALPA’s professional expertise has been able, or has attempted, to achieve for US Airways pilots. Examples include:

•... “parity plus 1%†provision negotiated in the 1997 contract.

Genius, the Parity plus 1% was Wolf's offer (the company) while he and United were working to join United and USair. USAir pilots got a pay raise because United was so eager to get the United contract over and move along with the merger attempt. The economy was roaring and United couldn't afford to delay the merger. ALPA didn't do crap except try to take credit for it 10 years later? How come I have know history better than the ALPA president?

•Assisted the MEC in developing a target defined contribution plan in 2003...
because the AAA MEC gave the Defined Benefit to the company without membership ratification, after lying to the membership that the MEC would not dare give it away and would absolutely give it to the membership for their decision.

•Spearheaded exhaustive efforts to enact pension legislation that would have restored funding of the DB plan...
The Defined Benefit plan that the AAA MEC first gave away and caused other airlines to suffer in like manner. And tell us Capt Prater, how is that legislation going? Did you get our DB back? How is your retirement plan affected?

Rather than focus on decertification and its destructive results, we must focus on addressing the needs of the US Airways pilots – East and West – through collective bargaining.

Must? Don't think so. That might be what you want.. but obviously you wouldn't be wasting your time on this letter if we were not exercising our right to do otherwise.

The post-bankruptcy bargaining cycle that ALPA is now coordinating is already in full swing and will provide substantial gains in pay, benefits, and work rules for all US Airways pilots when completed – just as it will for other ALPA pilots. More specific information about the contract changes already achieved in your negotiations, and ALPA’s collective bargaining strategy, will be the subject of upcoming reports.

The Rice Committee continues to work with both MECs and negotiating committees and the Joint Negotiating Committee to forge creative solutions to all of the problems we are facing. I am directing the Rice Committee to communicate clearly to you the substantial gains in pay, retirement, work rules, and job security that can be obtained in the near term through negotiations with your management. The focus of the Committee’s work is to forge consensual solutions that provide both career advancement and protection and guarantee real economic gain for all US Airways families – and to do so as soon as possible. No one underestimates the difficulty of finding such solutions in the face of strongly held, divergent views, and no one underestimates the importance of this work to the future of all pilots.

News flash. You haven't even figured out the problem.

During the week of August 20, members of the Executive Council, members of the Rice Committee, and I will meet with US Airways and America West pilots at several US Airways domiciles. Dates and locations of these visits are listed at the end of this letter. We are planning, and will soon communicate to you, the schedule for visits to America West domiciles (Phoenix and Las Vegas) in early September. We want to hear your concerns, and we want to discuss with you the work that ALPA and all pilots have accomplished together for our profession. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Visits. With ALPA money. How come you don't mention the purpose of the visits? If you are going to spend all that money should you not have an agenda announced?

In Unity,

Capt. John Prater, President

Oh. Unity. Thats your agenda.
Not having a dog in this fight i have read with interest the many posts from both sides. I have never read a post from West that says they can not live with Nicolau.
I have never read a post from East that says they can live with it. That seems more than a little strange to me. I had hoped both sides would not like it very well.

I dont think the East really expected DOH in the end June so do you have an idea what the problem is on the West seeming to love it and the East hates it.