Animated Avatars


Mar 30, 2003
Hey Kyle, I just installed a new avatar and would like to know how to animate it. I receved it as a rotating a/c but it is just static after I post it.

What do i do next??


Nice avatar. The 104 was a great machine to work on, except in the winter when the hydraulics on the access door froze up and started puking its guts on the tarmac. :wacko:

Cursin like a mon o' war trying to line up the swing links on the aft mounts on the J79 :stupid:

Best part?? Filling the boundary layer tubes with graphite and getting a Newbie to check the Boundary Layer flow!! Getting someone to stand beside the tail pipe to listen for the ignitor plug and hitting the VEN !!Jezz, I miss that!! :up: :up: