
Nov 30, 2009
Anzac Day: The country remembers

Under the cover of darkness and throughout the morning they arrived at war memorials throughout New Zealand to honour those who served their country.

Tens of thousands of people - many wearing bright red poppies - yesterday marked the 96th anniversary of the landing of New Zealand and Australian soldiers at Gallipoli.

Old soldiers resplendent with gleaming medals and freshly-shined shoes marched with the precision and discipline of years ago, under the approving gaze of grey-haired veterans through to the ever-growing numbers of young.

These ceremonies, whether in the USA or elsewhere in the Free World serve as constant reminders that Freedom is never free. Thomas Jefferson said it best I think, "Occasionally the tree of Liberty must be watered with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants."

God Bless our Brothers and Sisters from the land down under and thank you for being allies these many many years

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