AOLington Post?


May 17, 2008
So Arianna Huffington (anti-capitalist-spread-the-wealth-queen) collects a nice fat massive paycheck (cha ching! thank you capitalism!) on the backs of free aka-slave labor with her far left junk site? :blink:

And its hilarious seeing all the loyal socialist liberal drones who bowed at the alter of the Soro's fluffer queen Arianna, are now just seething in contempt as a result. :lol:

Also the hack writers who never been paid to write on her site are walking around in a daze with the words SUCKER pasted on their foreheads. :lol:

LA Times: AOL ♥ HuffPo. The loser? Journalism

To grasp the Huffington Post's business model, picture a galley rowed by slaves and commanded by pirates.

Theres Facebook groups popping up like: "Hey Arianna, Can You Spare a Dime?"

AOL gave you $315 million: We're asking you to give a little back to the unpaid writers who built the Huffington Post.

AOL? Seriously? First, they are a company in deep financial problems, as they really have no business model except for those computer nternet illiterates who still pay a recurring monthly service fee, not knowing they stopped charging on 2006 and all the content is FREE AS OF 2006!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A strange thing is happening at AOL. The Internet content provider in 2006 stopped charging for its services. It ended the fee for e-mail and such, but it did not stop billing AOL members for it.

Result: For five years, AOL has been cashing in on users who don’t know they can cancel the paid service and still get all the benefits.

These are no small bananas –– AOL is earning almost $250 million a year from these poor folks. Amazing.

Part of the problem is AOL subscribers joined because they did not understand the Internet. They still don’t. E-mail is free. So are the famed AOL chat rooms and forums. Just go to and enjoy. Free.

Arianna also wrote a book recently called "Third World America" in which she frets over the decaying middle class and blaming politicians or something...

Heres a hint, if you want to help the middle class, try the concept of paying a fair wage you fat liberal hypocrite.