Atsb Agreement Final Through June 30

You know, we do no really care about AMR, we no longer are reacting to the actions of other carriers, we are moving ahead and tansforming our own carrier.

It is up to the other legacies like DAL and AMR to do whatever they feel they have to do to keep up with the changes (not just in US Airways, but the industry)

That being the case, why dontcha worry about your own shop instead of ours...? The time for gleefully toasting U's demise is passing fast.

I look to the continued interference by outsiders on here as an indication that they are getting scared that our plan just might work afterall.

Thanks for the endorsement... :up:
Rico said:
You know, we do no really care about AMR, we no longer are reacting to the actions of other carriers, we are moving ahead and tansforming our own carrier.

It is up to the other legacies like DAL and AMR to do whatever they feel they have to do to keep up with the changes (not just in US Airways, but the industry)

That being the case, why dontcha worry about your own shop instead of ours...? The time for gleefully toasting U's demise is passing fast.

I look to the continued interference by outsiders on here as an indication that they are getting scared that our plan just might work afterall.

Thanks for the endorsement... :up:

You tell'em Rico!! :up: :up:
For once I agree with ALL that Rico has to say. :up: :up:
Now give me something to work toward and to work with and let me do my job. I'm tired of always being that dog at the back of the pack. What are we gonna do CCY?
Sheesh... with all the high-fiving going on over the ATSB announcement, you'd think that U'd emerged from bankruptcy or something....

All this means is that the ATSB isn't calling their note in. Yet. Nothing more than that.

U can continue to tap into the funds, but there's still a matter of maintaining sufficient weekly cash balances. And that will require revenue...

Unfortunately, even with the concessions, U still has five things working against revenues right now:

1) WN moved into PHL
2) DL launched a fare realignment
3) WN decided to move into PIT
4) NW decided to start nibbling at the western fringes of U's hinterland from DTW
5) Fuel prices, which are still alarmingly high

So enjoy this reprieve, but there's still six to eight weeks of winter left, and a lot can happen between now and June 30th...
usfliboi said:
Exactly... Im sick of the losers who have nothing good to say... just leave and allow the rest to do their job... a job they choose to stay in!


You may be "sick of the losers " as you like to call them. but if those so called "losers" from all the different employee groups would not have spoken up, most if not all of US Airways employees would be gone by now.

Because of the "Losers" in your workgroup your union was able to negotiate a consensual agreement with management that many think they can live with without simply rolling over.

Those that chose to cave in without the slightest objection to managements outrageous demands are the true "LOSERS".
You shouldn't be sick of those "losers", you should be thanking them !

Former ModerAAtor said:
Sheesh... with all the high-fiving going on over the ATSB announcement, you'd think that U'd emerged from bankruptcy or something....

All this means is that the ATSB isn't calling their note in. Yet. Nothing more than that.

U can continue to tap into the funds, but there's still a matter of maintaining sufficient weekly cash balances. And that will require revenue...

Unfortunately, even with the concessions, U still has five things working against revenues right now:

1) WN moved into PHL
2) DL launched a fare realignment
3) WN decided to move into PIT
4) NW decided to start nibbling at the western fringes of U's hinterland from DTW
5) Fuel prices, which are still alarmingly high

So enjoy this reprieve, but there's still six to eight weeks of winter left, and a lot can happen between now and June 30th...

Wow!! Since you seem to know it AAll, perhaps you should spend more time on the AA board trying to figure out how to prevent YOUR compAAny from filing chAApter 11 itself. PleAAse spAAre us the more $$ in the bAAnk bit. When AAre you guys going to AActuAAlly mAAke money? :p :lol:
Rico said:
You know, we do no really care about AMR, we no longer are reacting to the actions of other carriers, we are moving ahead and tansforming our own carrier.

Really? So, GoFares had nothing to do with WN, B6, or Independence? Reality-check.

Lowered walk-up fares had nothing to do with DL?

It is up to the other legacies like DAL and AMR to do whatever they feel they have to do to keep up with the changes (not just in US Airways, but the industry)

DL has beat US to the punch. Again.

I look to the continued interference by outsiders on here as an indication that they are getting scared that our plan just might work afterall.

What's funny is that half of the insiders don't care if it works. Not everybody is willing to work at Wendy's wages to sit in the right seat of a shiny new jet.

Like I said before, it is up to AA to clean their own house, rather than have U's burn down, so your's does not look quite as messy

We are real sorry to disappoint you with our contuned survival, but the fact is that we have worked hard and sacrificed A LOT to survive, so you can take your attitude elsewhere.

No duh there is a competitive repsonse, I wonder what took this long

No duh fuel prices are high, so are yours

No duh WN is in PHL will be in PIT, they are passing everyone else to become the largest domestic carrier, so what else did you expect genius...?

Thing is, we have cut costs, and will further cut costs, and will realign our routes and maximize what we have to compete... rather than "just dying" like you outsiders want, or running away like we might have done in the past.

We have come a LONG way in half a year's time, and if we keep this momentum this will be a productive year as well. We have been through things that your company cannot or will not be able to do easily or at all.

So I wish your company luck, but back off from giving us such a hard time. We are going to do what we must to survive and succeed in the new marketplace, no matter how bad you and others wish otherwise.
MiAAmi said:
That may be so but I wouldnt wish that on anyone. Seeing that AA has survived without any govenment loans and hasn't sought protection even once, you may want to turn the light off for now.

Instead of being worried about UAIR and UAL you and your management should be worried about the LCC's. If UAIR and UAL went out of business JetBlue,Southwest ,Airtran, Spirit and USA3000 would gobble up the assets and become monsters. The Legacy carriers would be like an elephant in a perauna pool ! I have full confidence in AMR management compared to ours but if the AMR plane starts to decend I am also confident their golden parachutes will be made of platinum !
MiAAmi said:
It makes it easier to undercut the companies that are not in BK that are paying their bills.
Only in the very short run. In the long run, it makes it harder.
I can only speak for PIT and one of the greatest assets this company has is the hard working, dedicated employees that want USAirways to succeed and prosper.
I truly believe U will make it but if by chance they do not I will miss my coworkers more than anything else. :)

Funguy2: “At the time, you said that out-of-seniority furloughs would occur to support the supposed transformation plan of an all airbus fleet. As it turns out, an all airbus plan and out-of serniority furloughs were not the plan. But when you thought they were, you supported them as part of the transformation plan.â€￾

USA320Pilot comments: Again, you misrepresent information, which is becoming normal for you. US Airways senior management briefed the ALPA MEC that there was an alternative plan that could operate 150 mainline jets, which was supported by some key creditors. In addition, the company’s September 10 proposal, provided to the ALPA Negotiating Committee after the RC4 did not permit the membership from voting on the company’s Labor Day weekend proposal, sought out of seniority furloughs. I never said they would occur, I said they could occur, considering they were in the Term Sheet.

There is nothing self serving in any of my posts and all I want is for each US Airways employee to have the best possible outcome. It’s too bad that you cannot see the reality of the situation with your anger obscuring the facts.

