Aviation discovery park getting closer to taking flight


Nov 15, 2005
An aviation discovery park to be named for the late Air Force Gen. Daniel "Chappie" James Jr. is inching closer to reality.

A Fort Walton Beach firm will build the park at the Pensacola Regional Airport. It will be named after the Pensacola native who became the first black officer in the U.S. military to achieve the rank of four-star general.

The Pensacola City Council awarded the $174,500 contract to ThomCo Enterprises Inc., the lowest bidder.

Five years ago, Pensacola Area Flight Watch, a nonprofit that promotes general aviation in the area, conceived the idea for the small park off Jerry Maygarden Road.

Project plans include a mock runway, control tower, playground and observation platform. There also will be sidewalks, irrigation and landscaping, security fencing and signage.

Pensacola News Journal