Barack the Stoner


Oct 29, 2002
Barry was quite the accomplished marijuana enthusiast back in high school and college.


Excerpts from David Maraniss' Barack Obama: The Story dealing with the elaborate drug culture surrounding the president when he attended Punahou School in Honolulu and Occidental College in Los Angeles. He inhaled. A lot.

I'm not sure why this matters given that more than a few Presidents were stone cold alcoholics. Not to mention Philandering B*stards among other distasteful things.

Never mind the fact that the insane war on drugs has been one of the biggest assaults upon individual Liberty in my lifetime and proves we've learned exactly NOTHING from Prohibition.

Hell, the Gooberment had no problem taking over GM why not the drug business? A whole new revenue stream to tax, New aid to give out as "public Health Initiatives for addicts". What more could a government ask for. Lower costs in the prison system, lower police budgets.

This however makes to much common sense. What with Drug companies not wanted to see their profits eroded if their pain killers get replaced by Marijuana.

Smaller Law Enforcement budgets mean loss of prestige for ego driven Law Enforcement PLUS with no drug confiscation laws they can't sell the 2 million dollar houses to fund their thuggery.

There is more but the bottom line there is to much money to be made keeping the stuff illegal and no proof that if legalized we will see a rise in usage as every place drugs have been legalized the opposite is true.
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Mitt hung with the Osmonds.

Whoa, now you got something Dog. I used to hear crap about why couldn't me and my brother be like Donny.

So its 'cool' to do blow and weed?
I knew a few 'cool' kids who died doing a little blow.
Know a few 'cool' kids who make licensce plates for a living from 'selling a little blow'.
Whoa, now you got something Dog. I used to hear crap about why couldn't me and my brother be like Donny.

So its 'cool' to do blow and weed?
I knew a few 'cool' kids who died doing a little blow.
Know a few 'cool' kids who make licensce plates for a living from 'selling a little blow'.

KNOCK it OFF dell !!!!

YOU got a lot of NADS bustin' em' on B O for doin' a little 'tokin'
What was UR favorite brand of...ROLLIN' Papers.........huh ?????????
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KNOCK it OFF dell !!!!

YOU got a lot of NADS bustin' em' on B O for doin' a little 'tokin'
What was UR favorite brand of...ROLLIN' Papers.........huh ?????????

Dude, he was a Bogart.......need I say anything more?
Wow... Obama allegedly sparked up, and somehow managed to be successful in life? Like many many thousands before/after him?Shocking! Just shocking!

Nobama's new slogan......."Dope you can believe in!"
Hey kids ! can party hard all you want and still fool people into electing you Prez !

KNOCK it OFF dell !!!!
YOU got a lot of NADS bustin' em' on B O for doin' a little 'tokin'
What was UR favorite brand of...ROLLIN' Papers.........huh ?????????

A little tokin' ? Dude.........this guy had a club dedicated to smokin's dope !

Awesome, Marie is so hot................

She is definitely on my MILF list !

At least he inhaled. :wacko:

Finally................something he was good at !
I must admit I toked a few myself.

I personally believe that it should be legal like alcohol, but that's just me.
There are too many people in jail for weed.

Other drugs like LSD, coke, heroine, crack, etc... NO!

B) xUT

Legalize it all. Time for a little social Darwinism.